Can Decentralization Save Humanity? – Why Smaller is Better in Politics

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49 thoughts on “Can Decentralization Save Humanity? – Why Smaller is Better in Politics”

  1. Decentralizing the issuance of currency is one way to decentralize governments. The most decentralized issuance of currency you can get is to have each individual issuing their own currency. Perhaps the easiest way to issue your own currency is to create and donate your own gift certificates. You could literally start today.

  2. I could cry cuz I have been slowly thinking this just makes more sense. What we're trying to make work now can only breed constant discord and inequality. Not to even get started on the ever constant flow of corporate mergers under the guise of being beneficial to the public. The law of supply and demand plainly shows us that less competition equals higher prices and less power to consumers.

  3. I am very pleased to have found this video. Ever since about 1970 I have considered myself a decentralist — probably influenced by Ralph Borsodi, though I didn't know the source of such thinking at the time. On the internet I have often searched for "decentralism", and found — even as I now type this — that the word is not recognized. The word "decentralization" mostly just yielded business management discussions and in any case to me identifies a process more than a believer in the process. Your discussion is the best that I have found, though little by little I notice that men like Nate Hagens and Simon Michaux are coming around to that approach.

    It might interest you to know that back in about 1973 I self-published a "The Decentralist Manifesto" as part of a larger work. More recently I "published" that manifesto on YouTube. I there read it aloud. You can find that, if you are interested, at

  4. Right, so we go back to tribal living after all this progress and all it takes is one tribe to attack another tribe, then alliances are made, nations grow into superpowers, and we're back at square one. Remember, we started out as a decentralized society.

  5. The idea is amazing but its not viable. The reason being greed, ambition and a need for meaning. The 98.9% of human history was similar to the idea of decentralised small community government. Why did that change?

    Because of:

    i) Monotheistic religions whose basic premise is the existence of one God, theirs. Due to which it does rely on conquest and conversion to validate its idea.

    ii) Greed and ambition. Which led to the colonialism of world and the pre industrial colonial wars and race. Which also gave rise to the modern state.

    In today's world their is another reason why Governments have to be huge and thats the existence of huge economically powerful companies and the upcoming death of small businesses. Without strong governments it will be imperative that such companies take over. Which might lead to a worse future than the one we already have.

    And the solution for this would require a conscious effort to go against all incentives that come with modernity which would be financial security, comfort, cheap goods, etc. So the idea seems great but its not viable.

  6. In order to decentralize power, it would be necessary to disabuse the electorate of the absurd notion that governments are benevolent gods that are willing and able to bring about a heaven on earth, if only we give up our independence.

  7. The optimal size of a political unit is one.
    How hard is it to get five friends to agree on which restaurant to go to? How do you imagine you can get 5,000 people to agree on anything? And where there is disagreement, what then gives one group the right to overrule the others?
    There is no moral, ethical, or logical justification for any form of government of any size.

  8. A smaller community is always better managed which invites a superiority complex, that they're the right ones as they've been prosperous. This stimulates them to overpower the neighbour community and hence the vehicle of large nations start running.

  9. Important and timely content. Thank you. I like that idea that the unification of the state is the thing that will drive its destruction. That gives me hope, Because there definitely is a push for a one world order, I just watch The Great Awakening, about the World Economic Forum. Very scary shit. Anyway, keep up the good work. It is important.

  10. A wonderful example of community triumphing over states is the first Hussite war in Bavaria during which communities with a shared belief banded together to resist and defeat basically every world power around them who wanted to persecute them as heretics.

  11. Thanks for the video, i agreed with all what u saide until the part concerning wars, the arguments arent applicable. Thus if we want to apply the ultimate decentralisation then all countries should be decentralized as well.

  12. One of the problems with balkanization is people live where tney live. They care about their family and History. If everyone was an elite who thought they can just move and travel – we wouldn't have these problems anyways

  13. Intelligence and hierarchical thinking together are a absolute recipe for extinction. There are BAD people who just have a special way of pushing people's inner "buttons", famously Hitler, Stalin, these kinds, who people worship and follow with such absolute religious fanatical fervor (some current "people" could be sited…) though NOT because they have any MERIT. This has to be cut out of humanity before it's technology finally finishes murdering the world.

  14. Why did he leave out that fact that world majority peoples were largely living this way pre-european invasions? Europeans till this very day continue to dominate and forcefully dictate (directly or indirectly) how these nations should be governed. Clearly Europeans and their offshoots (ie China, Russia etc) are largely the problems to world peace and stability.


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