Can Batman ever beat Captain America? #batman


23 thoughts on “Can Batman ever beat Captain America? #batman”

  1. Bro are you actually stupid? Do you even do a little research?? Batman can bench a 1/2 ton spent years training with assassins and fights people that are way stronger than him, such as killer crock and bane. Letโ€™s be real here, if captain America didnโ€™t have his shield he would jus be an above average human with strength and dexterity. He has a bigger crutch on his shield than batman does with his utilities.

  2. This debate was solved years ago in marvel vs DC and the avengers vs JLA issue 4 of 5 beginning of the issue cap, bat's testing each other an this is them full kit all of bat's tech, caps shield and bat's admitted that if they were to fight that cap would get the upper hand an win. I love batman more than any other DC hero but u can't argue will 2 publication of bat's admitting cap would win. I'm aware that marvel vs DC was a fan voted comic but avengers vs JLA wasn't, done by both publishers an they still sided with the old verdict

  3. Also I think people forget that while cap is adept at most fighting styles. Batman has mastered all of them then on top of that and you continuously takes on Bane and croc without gadgets gadgets

  4. Iโ€™m pretty sure Batman wins in a martial arts match with or without weapons because Batman was able to beat similar foes with no weapons like bane and he mastered more then 121 martial arts I think Batman would win easily


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