Calls Team Trash, Proceeds to Feed

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Welcome to the Dota 2 Scrub cast, with your hosts Pyrion Flax and Lewis Brindley!
Join us as we follow star player Daf up through the ranked matchmaking trenches of Dota as he attempts to climb out from the noob play filled trench of Herald ranked Mmr.
Each match is filled with funny moments, epic fails and wtf moments, mostly down to scrub and noob level plays.
So sit back and enjoy the rage shout cast from Pyrion and Lewis, and who knows maybe we’ll all learn a thing or two by then end.


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34 thoughts on “Calls Team Trash, Proceeds to Feed”

  1. For all of Pyrion's knowledge, and he does know a lot, when he gets in games with his friends he doesn't do a damn thing with all his knowledge. He doesn't predict enemy comps, he doesn't suggest his team builds counters or has a set plan. He only uses his superior knowledge to look down on players. And I find this to be just a TRASH as a toxic player like Daf. Pyrion prefers to sit back on his high horse.

  2. I once tp'd regularly to base while ultied by huskar. He didn't follow me to fountain, but after the time it would take him to jump all the way to fountain i was in fact lifebroken and damaged by his ulti.

  3. Seriously, they only focus on Daf's bad plays. BECAUSE all game Daf has carried, he's sick and tired of his team throwing their advantages away. So he says Finish, his ONE BAD move, while his team has been making bad moves all game, but Pyrion decrees that Daf gets no credit for this win because of it. Disgusting. Cowardice. Daf carried his team time and time again and never gets any credit when he does. Pyrion is so biased.

  4. Pyrion goes hard on Daf because he's soft on the other 4 players on his team. OBJECTIVELY Daf's team was FAR WORSE than Daf was ALL GAME LONG. But one bad play, or one bad call out after the game is over that affects nothing, and Pyrion says Daf DESERVES to suffer in these games. I find that to be COMPLETELY BIASED and unfair to anyone, let alone his friend, Daf. Shame on Pyrion. He should be better than this. Daf EARNED his trash talk "Trash Team" after all of his game changing and saving plays. Again, the rest of his was objectively worse all game. Daf is not a god, but good lord has he improved on the characters he knows. Look at those freaking Dives my Boi!

  5. "if the distance goes above 2440 the leap stops"
    So what I'm hearing is that he WILL continue leaping all the way up until 2440.
    That sounds silly to see if it's done right

  6. The thought process of "why is this guy not with the team?? we are gonna lose the next teamfight if he does not join us >:( So lets start a teamfight so he can see how stupid he is being" Is always interesting.

  7. It feels like Daf gets better mechanically, but absolutely does not learn better decision making.
    Of course a big part of the game is just playing a lot to fully understand each hero, item, and the implications of building an effective team, but sometimes Daf just decides he can fight someone he absolutely can't and dies for no reason.

  8. I really appreciate the cuts to Joe shout casting and pointing out the fights. I love the pyrion commentary but they miss so many fights and the importance of them. Thanks for the edits Joe.

  9. Can I just give a BIG THANK YOU to the editor(s) of this/these videos, because they are great.
    I also want to thank you especially for getting rid of the "COMING UP" section at the start of the videos; they always bother me and it's a hassle trying to skip past them but not far enough that I'm past the intro: I'm gonna watch the whole thing anyway; I'm not missing it when it eventually comes and I'd much, much rather see it in context!

  10. 32:25 I don't actually think the shoving of the enemy dead lane by Skywrath was a misplay – yes, a core would should actually be doing that, yes – but the fact that he didn't hide in the trees, when 4-5 heroes were missing on the map was more the reason he died. 4 Radiant heroes were sitting mid with thumbs up their arses, with the only core for whom it's worth being patient – Jugg – fecking off in a matter of seconds. Deathballing when you don't have a clear advantage is an easy way to throw the game in the long term, because there's so much gold and xp spread around the map that your team is simply not getting. Alternatively, for these scenarios, you should either smoke, or expect the other team to smoke in the top half of the map. I know Heralds don't spend 30% of their game looking at the map, and I know Joe, Lewis, and Pyrion don't, but you should, folks.


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