Calli Can't Beat This SECRET Elden Ring Boss…

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#Hololive #HololiveEnglish #CalliopeMori


22 thoughts on “Calli Can't Beat This SECRET Elden Ring Boss…”

  1. It’s funny because they are 2 totally different games. Elden ring is a game where you are almost always fighting for your life. Doom is a game with no boss music because you are the boss music.

  2. To be fair this guy (and actually a majority of bosses in the later half of the game), is extremely annoying to fight. He rides around you in circles and you can get maybe 1 hit on him at a time, he moves too fast for tracking magic, and his flail swinging makes it extremely hard to get hits in on your horse. Also it doesn't help she's using such a short range weapon to take him on.

  3. I was surprised when this guy came out of nowhere as I was trying to take down a caravan. Though I managed to beat him first try, but it was mostly on horseback. A lot of open world bosses are so satisfying to fight while riding a horse into battle. It's so badass! ^w^

  4. That boss isn't too hard if you don't fight it like a dark souls boss. You have your horse and jumps, I just think Callie is kinda stuck in that Soulsborne mindset lol

  5. One of those situations where you start typing in chat "whatever you do, don't use your horse to fight him" and pray the reverse psychology works

  6. What ive learned from playing this game for 50 hours now. if you didnt beat a boss in your 100th try, maybe 200th time is the charm. (im looking at you bloodhound knight. the amount of times i died to you when i was lvl 14 was unforgettable).


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