Burl Horniachek launch of To Heaven's Rim: The Kingdom Poets Book of World Christian Poetry

Burl Horniachek celebrates the launch of To Heaven’s Rim: The Kingdom Poets Book of World Christian Poetry (Cascade). Burl is joined by Winnipeg poets Sarah Klassen, Sally Ito and Joanne Epp who read from their new translations in the anthology of the 17th century Austrian devotional poet Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg.

From its very first days, the church has been lifting up its songs and poems from the earth to the heavens, whether in praise, thanksgiving, or lament. In this groundbreaking new anthology from editor Burl Horniachek, join poets from across Syria, Europe, Armenia, Ethiopia, China, and the Philippines in raising their voices. Learn about these great Christian singers from around the world, many of whom are hardly known at all among English readers, yet who are often considered the greatest poets in their own languages. Explore the many styles and genres which Christians have used to express their faith in song, whether hymn, psalm, dream vision, epic, drama, lyric, or didactic poem, often in new translations from A.E. Stallings, Rowan Williams, Scott Cairns and others.


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