Bungie GDC: "Why Destiny Will NEVER Be GOOD, Stop Expecting It."

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38 thoughts on “Bungie GDC: "Why Destiny Will NEVER Be GOOD, Stop Expecting It."”

  1. I think bungie should always be shooting to at least over deliver on expansions since this would cause them to always be doing the best possible job at being innovative with every dlc. This was how it felt from the taken king all the way through forsaken. You could feel that for the most part they were legit trying new things because they had to. This idea now that they don’t want to over deliver so they don’t set themselves up with to big of expectations is pretty pathetic.

  2. I’m happy that Yoshi-P from FF14 doesn’t prescribe to the over delivery attitude that bungie has. The devs from FF14 worked on both Majong and flying in the original ARR areas. Those things were not available n the development schedule Yoshi-P had outlined the devs took the time and did it themselves on the side on top of their normal content schedule. But even though they did that Yoshi was always keen to point out in his live letters that these things were a cherry on top from the developers and he properly tempered his community expectations and hardly anyone in the community expects those kinds of surprises on a regular basis. So no bungie you can over deliver and wow and surprise your community without making your player base think that those surprises are a regular thing. Sometimes, you can have ur cake and eat it too.

  3. That’s funny that they don’t even want to play their game anymore so they changed their motto 😂 Halo bungie and D1 Bungie will always have a place in my heart. Their games are no longer worth my valuable time.

  4. If only people hadn't got hooked on Instant Gratification from loot boxes. The Box model still works. Except when it comes to the players that consume so much content. They need that next fix. The next thing that will give them what they want by spending money to get it immediately.

  5. So the roadmap as a developer is leave a major studio, get in bed with another publisher, buy out when expectations are barely being met with tons of aids from the publishers other developers under the guise of freedom, then sell yourselves like cheap whores to the biggest company.

  6. If Bungie goes to a monthly subscription I'm
    D O N E. Period! Don't care how many years I've spent with this game, for Christ Sake I pay more for Destiny now that its "F2P" Then I ever did in the past.

    It's Clear Bungie only cares about Profits…not the player base who got Bungie to where it is today.

  7. Funny enough, everyone on Aztecross's video covering this topic in the comics is apologizing for the company and clearly putting it on a "bungie can do no fault" mentality. They're conditioned all right.

  8. He really put "bald middle aged white guys" in a professional setting. This is why I know im getting older and coming to the end of the golden age of gaming. 😔😔😔

  9. Can't believe I'm saying this, but seeing this makes me appreciate other "boxed products" a lot more when we get them. Thankful for the curated experiences like Elden Ring and God of War in their own respects.

  10. People won't admit this and maybe it's just easier to do cause it's not quite the same scale but genshin impact has some crazy good updates, there's four open world areas to explore as of right now with loot and secrets to find allong with many many side quests and character storys and every year when a new region drops they drop a big additional explorable chunk to that region like every 3-4 months. And you can't play the game offline so that's live service right there…

  11. 5000 hours in this game and I finally gave it up. This presentation was the last straw for me. I can't believe someone at Bungie allowed him to get up there and say this garbage.

  12. don't think you can get the woke out of destiny, we have LGBT and Trans Emblems but the game is shit.
    we need to replace the woke so we won't go BROKE

    We have brothers to lovers as a story that was NOT needed.

    it could be really good because when it's good it's Great !!!!

  13. Could it be said, that the success of these older bigger releases and the “quality” is in part, which has/had kept people hanging on, in hope for the game to be in that state once again?

    I believe this live service they believe they are doing well on the premise if velocity and MVP only looks to be successful with there blinkers on, as they are riding of the back if d1, and around loyal players that have kept with it.. I always hoped after D1 for d2 to be everything D1 had plus more.. now I jump on an hour or so a week, then a few hours near end of the season.. do the seasonal drip feed story/and gain the easy xp for seasonal past lvls.

    Had D1 ..rise of iron for example and the other dlc’s that “over delivered” lmao… had D1 adopted this live service at the get go, there had never probably been a D2 as D1 would had probably died, as seen with many other games that fell into this live service ‘velocity’ and poor content mind set.

    Basically they have smoked them selfs into thinking they are a bench mark, d1 was the bench mark imo and many including myself have just been hanging on for d2 to be better.. but after watching this, it seems as though it won’t happen.. we’ll not any time soon.

  14. "We create a world where we inspire friendship" said the developer studio of the """"""""MMO""""""" without the second M of masive with less social features ever maded

  15. Since the virtue signalling started the game had gotten worse. With the BLM, LGBTQ, pro abortion, inclusion and diversity agendas at the front the game takes a back seat. Bungie are gross now!


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