Building Our Rover ~ Occupy Mars

Survive on Mars and colonize it! Build and upgrade your base, discover new regions, conduct mining operations, retrieve water and generate oxygen, grow crops, fix broken parts. Occupy Mars is a highly technical, open world, sandbox game about Mars colonization

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42 thoughts on “Building Our Rover ~ Occupy Mars”

  1. i just discovered that you can use your arrow keys (left and right) to rotate items! and when their red thier probably too high / too low, can use up and down to fix it πŸ˜€

  2. @6:00 you can make CO2 canister from the crusher
    @8:32 you only really need one solar panel then into a battery
    @17:00 when you get around to defense its a bit tricky at first but you need to make the rocket "kit" from the big crusher and assemble it on the ground from left to right and the 3 tail fins being the last pieces to put in
    @19:05 you need to build snap-on storage tank to be able to start storing O2 or methane
    @25:25 top right of the screen you need to switch to the drill first and when you see the red marker over the rock it means it needs to be drilled first and green when it can be lifted
    bottom right of the screen is the picture of tipper bed and you will see a blue bar slowly go up vertically as it fills up
    @36:35 when you use the scanner you actually get all the different composition of resources displayed when using the rover not just the single resource shown on the left

  3. You can use the crane's cam it's a little better to see, also you're wasting external rock material by jackhammering by hand. Thanks for the vids

  4. you actually researched the drill for your rover. when you press TAB to switch to the crane on the right top corner you have a small screen with the crane the welder and the drill attachments for the rover arm (NVM you figured it out 38:20 πŸ˜…), you research auto pick for rocks. so move the crane on top of a rock and press E and the crane will grab it and drop it in your rover

  5. Honestly the only thing that sucks about games like this is once you reach the end, things become repetitive or there is nothing else. I hope they stay on this and add so much to it.

  6. upgrade your grinder to L-3 and remove all structural base parts from abandoned outposts.
    updates to the game might have reset some items and ores. that would explain your one ATV breaking as it was found broken.
    also explains new boulders and rock formations in areas you had already cleared.

  7. i wonder if he knows that the rover has a drill attach ment a repair attachment and the claw ( you can switch between them you can see the chose in the cabin on this screen on the right when in first person mode in cab)

  8. Holy Sh&$$$&@@&$$&T… the grinder is super amazing with all that loot coming from the rocks.. man I just spent 2 hours just mining stones manually and barely got enough to build the farm area.. looks like I’m gonna learn how to operate that Rover very well.. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΌ Thanks Grill.. also Get well soon my friend. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

  9. Mate you just read it. "Add tanks to the Sabatier reactor to store what it produces". You can add 2 reactors and 3 tanks in total, 1 for each output.
    Read it again. And again. You'll get there.

  10. Build the big grinder. You can then make a container for your rover. The container holds 100 inventory slots. You can drop it off before your case and access it even off the river or put on river and go long distance looting. Also the big grinder has 100 inventory slots as well and acts as a 3d printer and can print anything.

  11. Right click the blueprint you want to make and it will stay on your screen, items you need will be in red and will turn blue as you get them. Just right click on the blueprint again to get rid of it

  12. On the Rovers right side, next to the right rear cab tire is where you hook up the power cable and under that is the O2 hook up. Also do not hit T as it will disconnect the dumpster and leave you with the flat bed trailer. If you high center the Rover hit R and it will unstick you, and YES you can roll the Rover.

    You may may wish to build the Bathroom, and personal quarters, the bathroom gives you organic waste for the composter, and water. This way you do not have to run out to the well to refill it all the time. I believe the Antenna is for the remote control, which I'm not sure what you can use remotely.

    Have a Great one!!!
    P.S. the map wraps around, so if you go west you will go all the way around Mars and reach you base from the east. Also there are more then one Martian egg caves on the map.

  13. You may figure this out later in the video but I wanted to post this now so I don't forget. The sabatier reactor needs an oxygen tank attached to it (plus a pipe taking it from there to where you need it) without that there is no where to store the produced oxygen and so it wont produce any. You only need 5 kwh per unit so well = 5 kwh, well + sabatier producing oxygen = 10 kwh and well + 2 sabatier producing oxygen and methane = 15 kwh usage. I'll also add since it isn't obvious to me pumping stations are actually flow stations. You can hook up any pipe water, oxygen or methane to the inlet side turning it into an inlet for that source so you can have 3 wells producing X water per hour plugged into the inlet and 1 pipe coming out with 3x water per hour. That is to say the pumping stations have 3 inlet sockets which can be configured to water, oxygen OR methane and 1 outlet for each resource.


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