Building an Animatronic Wheatley (Portal 2)

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@Harry101UK when can we make “Meet the Cores: IRL?” Would love to work together!

Follow me on Instagram: @mr.v0lt

3D printable files are linked below:


39 thoughts on “Building an Animatronic Wheatley (Portal 2)”

  1. Glad to finally share this with everyone! Wheatley's been a long time coming. Is he perfect? No, but I hope he makes you happy. The next time you see him, he'll have a management rail 😉

    Btw if Harry101UK sees this, HMU so we can make a "Meet the Cores: IRL"

    Here's some FAQs:

    You forgot about (X) Why doesn't he have (X) feature from the game?

    I've spent over 300hrs to get to this point and some features didn't make the cut for this video, but I'm aware of them. Things like eye VU meter/flashlight are to be added etc.

    What about (popular voiceline)?

    While I included some of the voicelines, some of the "angrier" ones looked odd with his body not moving, so those will be saved for when he's on the MR arm.

    Can you import the animations from the game?

    No. My model is mechanically very different from the game model internally.

    Will you make me one?

    Nothing for sale unless (until?) I get approval from Valve 🙂

  2. I have an Idea: Using this Wheatley as a reference, make a plain core (with personality of your choice) but with actual AI function (similar to an Alexa). It would be a lot more versatile with voices instead of using Steven Merchant's voice clips. (This part of the idea was inspired by the Glados AI generator website you used.)

  3. combine its artificial intelligence with chatgpt for example I did it like this when you breathe a question in the application, chatgpt goes further to the left, the question is said to come to the application and it is said with a voice, and when you say something like an assistant, the auto listen is opened


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