Build These Habits & Traits In 2023 To Improve Your Character – Jordan Peterson Motivation

Build These Habits & Traits In 2023 To Improve Your Character – Jordan Peterson Motivation
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WisdomTalks Book Recommendations:

1. 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson –
2. Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief by Jordan Peterson –
3. The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn –
4. Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz –
5. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl –

Get an audiobook with audible –


Im a video editor who’s passionate about creating short form educational and motivational videos with the purpose of helping people overcome their biggest obstacles in life.


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13 thoughts on “Build These Habits & Traits In 2023 To Improve Your Character – Jordan Peterson Motivation”

  1. If. you ignore the noise from mainstream media, social media and all the trans, pronoun, every pathetic issue, and focus on self and family , then the focus is stronger, and ability to succeed is made vastly easier

  2. At minute 28:20, Dr Peterson mentions that about 85 – 90 % of the audience (on YouTube and/or a speaking event) are men. I'm 60-something woman with a degree in a STEM field and I listen/watch Dr Peterson a lot, and I mean a lot. In my opinion, the majority of those men probably did not have a good father figure in their life which I think is a result of some of the damage done by the feminist movement. That saddens me.

  3. If you take responsibility for your life, take accountability for your actions you’re doing good.. Have purpose in your life and face your fears.. keep your word and be brave at the face of adversity… overcome.. Serve others..

  4. I was a great fan of Dr Peterson, probably still am . But it made me very sad when he allowed a war criminal to piggyback upon his name and use him .
    The interview with Netanyahu tarnished his reputation amongst many many of his supporters and that's so sad 😢


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