Bronies React Panel – Everfree Northwest 2022

Bronies React is a Youtube series bringing together multiple personalities from the Brony Fandom. The series is celebrating 10 years of insanity. Always wild, always crazy. You never know WHAT will happen at a Bronies React panel. Q&A and stories galore!

Featuring: Saberspark, Dustykatt, Paleosteno, Silver Quill, ACRacebest

FRIDAY 4:00pm – 5:00pm Mane Events
Follow ACRacebest as he takes on Everfree Northwest for the seventh time. 10 years of EFNW! EFNW is located in Seattle, Washington on August 26 – 28, 2022.

Shoutout to Everfree Northwest AV Staff (esp. Latent Logic) for providing additional Audio and Video of these panels. Incredibly appreciated!


13 thoughts on “Bronies React Panel – Everfree Northwest 2022”

  1. I thought to poke a little fun at all the questions that get asked over and over again by putting them all out at the very start, but I didn't expect to get a shoutout from Race himself! What an honor!
    Thank you Race, it's been an honor seeing you live that weekend and I hope to meet you again soon!


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