"Brock Purdy's injury shuns Super Bowl hopes" Shannon on 49ers loss to Philadelphia Eagles 23-20

“Brock Purdy’s injury shuns Super Bowl hopes” Shannon on 49ers loss to Philadelphia Eagles 23-20


13 thoughts on “"Brock Purdy's injury shuns Super Bowl hopes" Shannon on 49ers loss to Philadelphia Eagles 23-20”

  1. Interesting attitude from Shannon Sharpe…(4:01) "somebody would have got fired" if they showed what really happened on the Smith replay…hmmm., sounds like a good reason to believe that this game was a total sham!! Eagles Receiver Smith one hands the ball and goes down with the ball falling out on the ground, the officials saw the ball move, they knew it was an incomplete pass, but they did NOTHING but let the Eagles snap the ball to erase the incomplete pass, they should have reviewed the play, and if it was the 49er ball, they would have reviewed it, and ruled it incomplete. Eagles defense whose goal is to disable the quarterback, not get a sack, not force a fumble, not block a pass, but INJURE the QB! Eagles TE Goedert throws the 49er into his own Eagle punter to give the 49ers a penalty! The officials saw it happen, they know it was intentional, but THEY did nothing except give the Eagles a first down!! 2nd quarter, 5:04 Ward got called for a PI even though he committed no penalty, he contacted AJ Brown within the 5 yard limit and then let go BEFORE he went for the pass, but they threw the flag and gave the Eagles a first down! Sounds like every official, the officials in the booth who review plays and the guy putting up replays was told NOT to make any decision that would help the NINERS. A complete SHAM of a game!


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