Brock Lesnar's 5 MOST HATED Wrestlers! (SHOOT)

5 Wrestler’s Brock Lesnar Hates are as follows.
The video discusses the top five wrestlers that Brock Lesnar has had issues with.
Brock knows how valuable he is to the company and that he is one of the best wrestlers in history, so sometimes he can be a very arrogant person, and he doesn’t care if his peers like him or not. However, there is a small group of wrestlers who managed to get along with Brock Lesnar and today, it would be safe to say they are good friends.
Doesn’t: Riddle
Matt Riddle
Riddle has publicly expressed that his dream is to retire Brock Lesnar. Over and over again Riddle says his goal is to defeat The Beast Incarnate. Obviously, Brock Lesnar considered that a bad joke and, knowing his personality, he surely felt disrespected by Riddle.
At Royal Rumble 2020, Lesnar and Riddle met. Lesnar told Riddle that they would never work together, turned and walked away. Riddle was left heartbroken and, some time later, he has posted a couple of funny tweets saying Brock Lesnar hates him.
Doesn’t: Ken Shamrock
Ken Shamrock
Ken Shamrock and Brock Lesnar have a lot in common – they are both MMA legends who have transitioned between the squared circle and the Octagon with ease. Shamrock vs. Lesnar is (or was) a dream match for many, and Shamrock himself wanted the bout to happen. Unfortunately, Shamrock has gone out of his way to throw shots at The Beast, suggesting that he is the better of the two.
Lesnar hasn’t been as vocal about a potential match-up, but there is no doubt that he will not take kindly to someone talking trash about him repeatedly – even if that ‘someone’ is Ken Shamrock.
Doesn’t: Jon Moxley
Ambrose Lesnar wwevia
Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose collided in a No Holds Barred match at WrestleMania 32, which turned out to be one of the most disappointing matches in the history of The Show of Shows. In an interview with Wade Keller, Moxley explained that no one cared about the match, not even Brock Lesnar. Moxley said Lesnar was a lazy worker and didn’t want to do anything.
Brock Lesnar didn’t respond to those comments, but Paul Heyman did, and said that anyone who thinks Brock Lesnar is lazy isn’t looking at the right circumstances.
Doesn’t: John Cena
After Brock Lesnar’s historic performance at the 2020 Royal Rumble, John Cena called him the greatest in-ring performer of all time during an interview with Sports Illustrated.
Doesn’t: Bray Wyatt
Brock Lesnar vs Bray Wyatt
The Beast Incarnate faced off against Dean Ambrose at WrestleMania 32, but it was originally supposed to be a bout between Lesnar and Bray Wyatt.

Lesnar supposedly turned down the idea, as he didn’t want to look weak against Wyatt at The Grandest Stage of Them All. The only time they faced each other was at WWE Roadblock. Lesnar defeated Wyatt and Luke Harper in a Two-On-One Handicap match. That bout was just one of many disservices done to Wyatt’s character over the years.

Doesn’t: Chris Jericho
Brock Lesnar and chris Jericho face to face
At SummerSlam 2016, Brock Lesnar hit Randy Orton so hard that he made him bleed, which was planned, though perhaps Lesnar overdid it a bit. Chris Jericho didn’t know that and thought Lesnar had taken liberties, so he confronted Lesnar in the locker room.

According to sources, Lesnar told Jericho “Are you going to hit me or kiss me?” which infuriated Jericho more, but fortunately the situation didn’t escalate because Vince McMahon showed up and deescalated the situation before things could get more heated.

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