BRITISH GUY Reacts to "Could the USA Conquer the UK if they wanted to?"

Reacting to “Could the USA Conquer the UK if they wanted to” my guess is, if the USA wanted to invade and conquer the UK, they could..easily..
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28 thoughts on “BRITISH GUY Reacts to "Could the USA Conquer the UK if they wanted to?"”

  1. There are some unresolved hard feelings lingering from the War of 1812, the UK never paid us back under the Lend Lease Act and commentators from the BBC constantly insult the US, so I wouldn't be totally opposed to slapping you guys around a little bit. The UK has not been good friends to the US. Looking at it from the point of view of a UK citizen, there would be plenty of positives from becoming the US' 51st state. For example, the US has a lower federal tax rate, lower unemployment rate, lower inflation, cheaper fuel and many Brits may find that they prefer an HMO approach to the NHS. Also, there's no dentist shortage in the US so you guys would be able to get same-day dental and doctor appointments.

  2. 4:42 As someone who served on a sub in the early/mid 2000's, yes, the idea of that is scary. What I found out is it is extremely hard to find modern day subs, let alone shoot at them.

  3. i mean we already faught many times back in the day and are now best friends i doubt anything would put us back at each others necks. but if it did happened the UK leaders would know better and most likely would bring out white flag right away

  4. But why even go into this. I mean we are mates, compadres. We work together. Do not see this as a rift, see it as "Hey Britain, we have your back." A more appropriate video would be "Could the Alliance conquer N Korea?"

  5. The US can send every ship, soldier, plane and chopper to defeat the UK, but for the UK, we only need to send one man and one man only and not even Chuck Norris will be able to defeat him. That man is Mr Bean!

  6. This video is fun, but nonsense. US & UK militaries hv their issues today. Our houses are Not in order & Patriots (on both sides of the pond) are tired of it. But, US & UK are "Brothers in Peace / Brothers in War" (I know cuz I served briefly & proudly w/the Brits in Kuwait & Iraq. Hopefully, we'll sort out our issues. In the meantime, we'll continue to stand strong together. When the Eagle will soars & the Lion roars (together) nobody wants to be on the receiving end of what's coming. To my British (English, Scottish, Welsh) brothers, stay British / stay strong.

  7. So weird, you first did the US military strength. Then the US against the World. An now you backup and say US against UK. Weird. Also US subs structure maybe 90s technique; however the electronics, sensors and weapons are all upgraded.

  8. USA can take any country. But.. Are they willing to send their polulation to die ? No. They Nuked Japan for just this reason.
    But if for whatever reason, and the poulation in USA had a reason for it for self protaction.. UK is fucked. If for some reason USA left nato. And Went warmongering. WE WANT TO BEHAVE LIKE RUSSIA!!! Lets take france.. then move over to germany.. And some mad man .. lets invade poland. USA would probably win. If they was willing to go all in. In reality that will never happen.

  9. I don't see any future where the US and GB are enemies again! We are too similar, have similar values…..we are too alike. Quite the opposite, US would come to the aid of GB in a heartbeat!


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