British Army's airborne rapid reaction force shows off weapons & vehicles on parade

16 Air Assault Brigade, the British Army’s airborne rapid reaction force, has paraded through Colchester, Essex, with some troops marching in battledress and carrying weapons – including a Javelin anti-tank missile.

The parade was part of celebrations in the run-up to Armed Forces Day on Saturday and it was the first time the soldiers have exercised their freedom of Colchester since it gained city status last year.

Vehicles used on operations were also part of the parade on Thursday which was watched by crowds in the middle of the city centre.


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38 thoughts on “British Army's airborne rapid reaction force shows off weapons & vehicles on parade”

  1. Thank you guys for all that you do to keep us and our beautiful Countries πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ safe so thank you, Big respect ✊. Just one negative tho I see in this video what’s happened to our marching not just in this video but throughout our Military I see poor marching in the last 1O-15 years. Getting slack like American Military with their casual walking, we need to stop this and do it properly like we’re supposed to do, Arms swinging out parallel to the ground and knees at a 90 degree angle please. I know they are in this video but I have seen so so many videos of our Military just casual walking and it don’t look smart. Sorry but this bugs me a lot but still I’m proud of your all for what you all give up for us normal civvies. Thank you.

  2. Great to see all the support they got from the british public, its about time we should all stand behind our troops and get back some national pride which over the last 30 years the Uk has lost.

  3. 1:55 those are SAS wings, meaning he passed SAS selection and commanded at some level within The Regiment. Respect.
    And for those confused by the Parachute Regiment beret; he wears the uniform of his parent unit/earned entitlement, not that of the SAS, which would have been worn only whilst serving with them.

  4. Well better teach your men how to march first!! Take a look at 1:05 to 1:10 and you can see the worst out of step and arming swinging ever! Better do a bit more parade ground drill! Elite Troops that cant march!!!

  5. Some comments regarding berets here. The problem is, the 'Victors' beret that we all bought from the shop in Aldershot was very high quality. The MOD switched from material band to leather just like the Victors beret. Unfortunately, the quality is so poor that it does not shape well in the 'Para' style. Ditch those issue berets and buy from the official Airborne shop. This is not an ad BTW.

  6. Parades are fine but 13 years of Conservative defence cuts have reduced the Army to 72500, smaller than it was at the time of Waterloo! We need to spend 3% of GDP for the next 10 years on defence to rebuild all 3 services back to a credible level.

  7. It's comforting to know our boys are indeed the best of the best, but, it's such a shame to see such a low standard of drill, especially as this is the British army, not some tin pot second rate country.
    We used to be world renowned not just as some of the best fighters on gods earth, but for our discipline turn out, standard and self respect.
    Come on, get it together.

  8. Our Government must instruct the army to bayonet all the Perverts who are trying to achieve net zero before they start pushing people in to gas chambers

  9. The fights here at home lads, not saving migrants in Sudan, remember they jailed that lad for killing the Taliban terrorist who would have chopped your heads off no problem be it the other way around.


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