Bridging the Gap: Assessing Ukraine's NATO Membership Delay | World Today | TVP World

The dust is settling after the Vilnius summit in Nato. President Zelenski says the delay in giving Ukraine a timeline for membership in the military alliance is absurd. The member countries have agreed to set up a training center for F16 pilots. To discuss the reactions to the conference I am joined by Stephen Nix – International Republican Institute.


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15 thoughts on “Bridging the Gap: Assessing Ukraine's NATO Membership Delay | World Today | TVP World”

  1. UKRAINE! You want a timeline? NEVER, there you go, get use to it.

    I agree with American political scientist John Mearsheimer which said the same thing. Russia will not allow itself to be landlocked by NATO. It will not give up the warm water ports in the Black Sea. If Ukraine does not drop its NATO aspirations then Russia will have a forever war that Ukraine cannot win.

    Look at the map and what Russia holds. It is a land bridge to Crimea, warm water ports. Zelenskyy is so stupid that he doesn't realize that every time he publicly speaks about NATO. Russia launches even more missiles. Zelenskyy and a NATO summit. Russia ramps up missile attacks even more. The pattern is obvious to anyone with two or more brain cells that function.

  2. It's wishful thinking. At this point unconditional surrender is the only practical path for Ukraine. Hitler's Germany also refused to admit defeat until Hitler killed himself, then Keitel signed unconditional surrender.

  3. No one gets a timeline for membership. Sweden could have to wait decades for Turkiye to vote for Sweden to join.

    The other consideration is how brutal will Putin’s Russia be if they know Ukraine will be a NATO member on a set date? How likely would carpet-bombing of Kyiv be on the day before that date?

    If Ukrainians are pissed off about not being a member of NATO today, they can give back the aid it has been given and go it on their own without help. They were given that aid because they are a NATO Partner, which means they were already on a fast-track to membership.

    Finland and Sweden were NATO Partners for more than five decades before they sought membership. They were invited to join in the 1950s. That doesn’t seem like such a quick ascension to membership, does it?

    Ukraine wants Crimea back. If they join NATO before that happens, it ain’t happening. There is Ukraine’s pathway to membership in NATO. They either take back their occupied territories or give up their occupied territories before their membership will even be considered. They have their timeline set by their own country on NATO membership. No country can be in a territorial dispute with another country and join NATO.

    We shouldn’t even have to be having this conversation. The rules of NATO were established seven decades ago. 31 members of the alliance met the standard before joining. The 32nd member will as well.

    I fully support Ukraine joining NATO, but if they can’t meet the simplest requirement, they will not be a good ally. We already have Hungary and Turkiye as pains in the ass, we don’t need a third one.

  4. Mr. Stephen Nix is absolutely right; giving the air superiority and helping the army on the ground is what Ukraine is asking for. Hoping the deliveries might not be delayed to prevent more casualties on the front lines. I really don't care about the Russian casualties; the more, the better. Greetings from the Philippines

  5. Never forget – Russia (Putin) is bombing unarmed citizens -. While the world and NATO binding Ukraine's hands with their coward "rules" not to "upset" the terrorist PUTIN…

  6. Ukraine will be allowed only after it enters into negotiations negotiations will cost loss of Crimea and possibly a non militarized zone between Russia, Belerus borders.

  7. Nope, Ukrainians will remained pissed! This is absurd to wait for a timeline following the war. And its preposterous to not give clear reforms necessary for Ukraine! The Dust Will NOT settle until Jake Sullivan apologizes for bullying President Zelensky and Ukraine is given written Membership guarantees

  8. There is no delay.. I don’t know how many times this needs to be said , but NO country can join NATO that’s in the middle of a war. Especially not now, because that would bring NATO against Russia which would be WWIII. Once Ukraines war is over with, Ukraine WILL join NATO. This has been said over and over so I’m not sure why people don’t get it.


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