Brick City – Episode 9 – US Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

In the latest episode of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts, we witness the unparalleled bravery and prowess of the USS Newark, the pride of The Brick City. Alone against the Chilean Navy’s formidable fleet, this light cruiser fearlessly sinks two heavy cruisers, a light cruiser, and a squadron of destroyers, emerging victorious with minimal damage. Join us as we recount this epic battle and salute the heroic crew of the USS Newark, who embody the spirit of the United States Navy in the finest fashion. Get ready for a thrilling display of naval strategy and naval power in this must-see episode of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts

This campaign was recorded using Admiralsnackbar’s balance mod which you can find here

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Lieutenants: Armande Christoph
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy
Sergeant: Jackie, Twitchyknees, Alerik Rahl
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias.


30 thoughts on “Brick City – Episode 9 – US Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts”

  1. USA early tech tree is funky(1890-1912+/-). No BB 2/3, so far only Dreadnaght (USA) that became obsolete as of 1911 and only capital ship currently buildable is BC I. Where are US versions of improved DNs (II-IV)?

  2. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 29 August 1935

    Nevada Strikes Again

    The USS Nevada, flagship of the Gibraltar Squadron, with her escort the heavy cruiser USS Tucson, encountered four Royal Navy ships off the point of the Brittany peninsula. In a sharp engagement, the Nevada utilized her twelve 14”/45 guns to demolish the destroyer HMS Meteor, the heavy cruiser HMS Hercules, and the light cruisers HMS Nottingham and HMS Canada. USN losses were 15 killed. Royal Navy losses are estimated to be over 2800 killed, wounded, or lost at sea.

    A formal note of apology has been sent by the State Department to the Commonwealth of Canada regarding the sinking of their namesake ship.

  3. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 25 August 1935

    Well, They don’t have the Luck of the Irish

    The USS Boggs, destroyer of the Gibraltar Squadron, rendezvoused with two light cruisers of the Royal Belgium Navy of the Davenport class in the Irish Sea to conduct commerce raiding. There they encountered an escorted convoy of twelve transports protected by the light cruisers HMS Naiad and HMS Cardiff and the destroyer HMS Offa.

    Miscommunications between the Belgium ships and the USS Boggs saw the Boggs attempt a flanking movement around the Royal Navy escorts to attempt to find and sink the transports but the two Belgium ships failing to move and distract the enemy. When the Belgium ships finally understood their orders they were not able to prevent the British from sinking the Boggs. 207 men were lost, but the Royal Belgium Navy was able to rescue 23 American Sailors. British sources admit their losses were 23 men.

  4. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 23 August 1935

    Clearing the Channel with Cerritos

    Operating from their base at Gibraltar, the heavy cruiser USS Cerritos and the light cruiser USS Raleigh were sent on an intercept mission to find and destroy two damaged Royal Navy cruisers. They were not able to engage the HMS Diadem, a Shannon class heavy cruiser, and HMS Neptune, a Blonde class light cruiser.

  5. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 21 August 1935

    1st Marines Begin Landing again at Freeport

    The 1st Marines have returned to their old stomping grounds, and are looking forward to finishing the job they started five years ago. Their landings at Freeport were again contested and reported losses are 392 Marines dead or wounded to 92 British killed, wounded or captured.

  6. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 17 August 1935

    Dutch Order for Alabama Class Rejected

    The Kingdom of the Netherlands, lately allied to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, has submitted a request to buy one of America’s latest battleship designs, the Alabama class. Upon advice from the Navy Department the Administration has respectfully declined the request.

  7. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 13 August 1935

    Chilean Fleet Surprised at Easter Island

    The USS Newark, six year old light cruiser of the Duluth class operating out of San Francisco to support the landings on Easter Island, discovered a massive fleet of Chilean ships bought from their ally the Russian Federation. Reportedly crewed by raw cadets, the Captain of the Newark decided the best course of action would be to contact the Fleet sent to operate in the South Pacific and then engage the enemy at range to get an idea of their capabilities while avoiding undo losses.

    Maintaining a steady angled course away from the enemy ships so as to be able to utilize her total broadside of twelve 6”/60 guns, her crews achieved a remarkable 26% hit rate with the main battery. From records obtained from debris from the enemy flagship, it has been determined that the Newark rapidly destroyed six of the seven enemy destroyers present, the Zabiyaka, Kondor, Derzhy, Albatros, DD-1811, and Filin. These ships were so newly acquired that the Chilean name hadn’t even been able to rechristen them. Still operating at range, the Newark was able to destroy the enemy flagship, the CA-2696, and then the light cruiser Mikhail Kutusov, named after the hero of the 1812 Russian Campaign. With the enemy force reduced to two ships, the Newark then began to close on the enemy. The final destroyer, the Dobronovolets was sunk, and the CA-811 pursued and sunk.

    The Chilean Navy lost over 47,000 tons of warships and an estimated 4900 sailors and officers. USN losses were 49 dead and 3 wounded.

  8. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 9 August 1935

    Defense of Shipping Lanes in the Caribbean

    A strong task force of the cruisers USS Philadelphia, USS Wichita, USS Anniston and USS Montgomery and destroyers USS Walker, USS Tillman, USS Adams, USS Delphy, USS Fletcher and USS J. William Ditter encountered the destroyers HMS Victor and HMS Wellesley. In a brief combat only the Philadelphia was lightly damaged on our side while the Victor and Wellesley suffered much heavier damage and were forced to withdraw.

  9. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 15 July 1935

    Invasion of Easter Island

    The light cruiser USS Newark, of the West Coast Fleet, has escorted a group of transports with elements of the 2nd Marine Division to Easter Island to pursue a campaign to persuade the Chilean government to stop encouraging terrorism.

  10. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 28 June 1935

    Task Force to Caribbean

    The East Coast fleet has sailed from the Port of New York with transports carrying the 1st Marine Division. They are aimed again at the invasion of the Grand Bahamas.

    A cruiser force of the East Coast fleet has also been reported sailing into the North Atlantic.

  11. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 19 June 1935

    Task Force to South Pacific

    The bulk of the West Coast Fleet has sailed from San Francisco Harbor on a mission to operate in the South Pacific. Details of their objectives have not been made public.

  12. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; June 1935

    America Rejects Ultimatum from British, War Again

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland has issued an ultimatum to the United States of America insisting that we stop our abuse of the government of Chile and cease making demands on them. Ignoring the clear evidence of Chilean involvement in terrorist acts, the British have forced America to reject all their demands, leading to a declaration of war on the United States, again, by the United Kingdom.

  13. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; June 1935

    Alliance with the Lonely Dutch

    The Kingdom of the Netherlands, having freed herself from her alliance with the United Kingdom some five years ago, has accepted the offer of an alliance with the United States of America. The State Department has lauded the efforts of their diplomats on the ground in achieving more access for United States Navy ships to operate in European waters.

  14. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; May 1935

    France and the United Kingdom Intervene to Defend Chile

    The governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and their puppet French government in exile, have announced their intention to intervene in the conflict between the United States of America and the Chilean Republic.

  15. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; May 1935

    Russia Comes to Her Ally’s Defense

    The government of the Russian Federation has pledged to fulfil her treaty obligations to the Chilean Republic and have declared war, again, on the United States of America.

  16. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; 4 May 1935

    Declaration of War on Chile

    The United States Administration has publically accused the government of Chile of supporting terrorist groups targeting American trade. The government of Chile has refused to consider all claims of redress made by America, and failing to respond to a final ultimatum, the United States has declared war against Chile.

  17. New York Evening Journal; Hearst Communications

    Front Page; August 1934

    Motor City Cruiser

    The United States Navy has announced the construction of a new class of heavy cruisers, the Detroit class. They are armed with a main battery of four triple 10”/50 gun turrets in super firing pairs fore and aft, ten triple 4”/40 gun secondary turrets, and twenty four triple 1.6/45 gun mounts. Diesel engines provide 62,463 shaft horse power for a maximum speed of 28 knots and a cruising speed of 24.3 knots with a range of 23,700 nautical miles on a displacement of 19,795 tons fully loaded. Crew complement is 1696. Cost per ship is $108 million with a build time of 21 months and maintenance cost when in port of $2.7 million a month.

    Ships of the class will be the USS Detroit, USS Milwaukee, USS Baltimore, USS Northampton, USS Memphis and USS Sacramento.

  18. I had the same colonial conquest event come up in my 1890 Spain campaign, after an initial 8 years of peace. Instant -99 or war with every other nation. the only nations I didn't go to war with were the ones I'd gotten to around +30 to keep them on side when I inevitably went after America, and they were the -99s. I think maybe that event might need a liiittle tuning.


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