BREAKING NEWS! Shots Fired in KOREA, US Naval Alert, US Simulates Nuke War, WARREN BUFFETS WW3 Plans

What the hell is going on?

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27 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS! Shots Fired in KOREA, US Naval Alert, US Simulates Nuke War, WARREN BUFFETS WW3 Plans”

  1. They brought all the manhood out there to get anhiliated- Little by little the men are getting killed to make broken homes-This uss as probably the nightmares of nightmares! I really don’t think anything will come of this anything goid whatsoever!

  2. problem is this!! Asia and middle east is tired of working 16 ouhr a day 6-7 days a week for pocketchange. Europe and US is living beyond theyr means. and asiamiddle east is not paying for it anymore. prices on food, car parts, clodes, medicine will dubble by end of this year. Drugstore in bodø norway is running out of medicine, becouse china wont deliver, becouse they will priority theyr own people first. Its like why woud stalin supply hitler with food, metalls, ++ when they are at war??

  3. This is the solution: Bring back Trump and have a co-presidency, with Biden and Trump, running the show together, for the first time in history. Because the alternative is potential nuclear annihilation, based on what you're telling me.

  4. I'm confused! I know the USA is a bit well very shady with what it does. I don't get why you seem to play down what China is up too. Russia invading another country and saying the rest of Europe is in line to be invaded next.
    Are you saying let the Russians and China do what they want?
    Everyone knows China is the long player, (move till someone complains , wait then move again. Russia is doing the Hitler thing like invading Poland, even though Russia invaded too in WW2.
    I don't want to see WW3 but what is the answer? China built artificial islands and the world court said it is illegal to claim ownership of the South China Sea. They ignored the ruling. Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 ignoring the treaty they signed. USA and Britain didn't help like they said they would in a treaty.
    When is enough enough? Oh don't provoke them, Nuclear war if you push back.
    Yes it is political but what is the answer?

  5. Today I was rucking 20kgm along the loose sand of beach for ten KMs upto the jetty then back along foot path jumping up and over park benches tables was early and no one was around…I clipped the toe of my boot on the last bench trying to clear it on one jump I almost did if I wasn't wearing those boots …alas this was a decent back mounted bench so my fall was about five foot with 20 kgs my legs were vertical on impact my upper body was compressed line a break dancing move ….I recovered instantly incase someone happened to see me a man on crutches came walking over but I was up and walking off by the time he took two steps …I should've broken a rib or dislocated my collar bone at least but I feel nothing I don't know what is happening to me but I'm serious

  6. Hey, have you heard. US did a terrorist attack in Russia??? Then Russia retaliated by destroying NATO Station in Ukraine, killing about three hundred under ground. NATO??????


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