BREAKING: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Was Just NUKED FROM ORBIT!!! You Must See This One!

BREAKING: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Was Just NUKED FROM ORBIT!!! You Must See This One!

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44 thoughts on “BREAKING: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Was Just NUKED FROM ORBIT!!! You Must See This One!”

  1. The ATF is nothing more than a government run criminal organization that needs shut down and prosecuted for crimes committed against the American people. They've tried to destroy our constitutional rights and make felons out of innocent Americans . This is the way they've tried to control the American vote and party control. If enough gun owners get charged it will destroy the republican party and our rights as Americans

  2. Yada yada yada blah blah blah. GET TO THE POINT! I'm not going to waste 15 minutes watching you yap when you could have told us in 5 minutes or less what is happening..
    Channel Blocked.

  3. What about "ghost guns?" What good is a pistol brace to those who are now being criticized for making firearms to put them on?

    Or putting them on a home-built AR for example?

    If the pistol brace rule is vacated, you still get harassed if you built your own non-serialized firearm.

  4. Been NRA for 45 years or more not leaving cause the road got a little cockeyed and rough. It will get straightened out again now that Wayne is gone. He was good at one time. But we wouldn't have made it as far as we did if we bailed at every bump we hit. Just hold on and fight harder. ALL of us is how we win.

  5. The ATF has been making arbitrary rule changes ever since Biden took office, usurping the power of Congress. I believe the courts have had enough and are telling these “rogue” agencies enough. Biden has used the DOJ as a de facto “Gestapo” ever since he was inaugurated. All of what Dettelbach has done has been at the direction of Biden, or someone on his personal staff. I’m glad the courts are finally putting this wannabe petty tyrant in his place, I hope to see more.

  6. Now what about all the People who were Unlawfully Fined ,Taxed or Incarcerated . They deserve the Right to Sue for Restitution and Loss of Income and the money needs to come Straight out of the ATF's Budget .

  7. I’m sorry I usually like you but during these types of shows you literally talk for 10 minutes without saying a thing and you’re just making these noises like ooh and then you thank people and then you say half a sentence about the point you’re gonna start talking about then you start all over the place And you hardly ever get to the point and I’m confused as to what we’re even talking about. Please leave out all the words and listen to yourself on one of these podcast and imagine that you were us. It really just sounds like you’re trying to get as much time in the algorithm as possible, but really I just shut you off because I got sick of waiting for you at the point 4 1/2 minutes into the podcast, go back and listen to yourself. You literally say nothing before you start talking about the point and then you say about a half a sentence of what the opinion is and then you’re talking to people that none of us can see and we get all lost again. I think you get what I’m trying to say.


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