Braxtons Time Ship VS Mirror Universe Fleet | 2 Battles | Star Trek Ship Battle |

In this video we put Braxton’s Time Ship up against a Mirror Universe Fleet. Played from both sides.

Thursday 11th August 2022 Videos:

Species 8472 VS Doomsday Machine:
Can The Rhode Island Defeat Voyager?
Achilles Fleet VS Dominion Fleet:
Braxtons Time Ship VS Mirror Universe Fleet:


12 thoughts on “Braxtons Time Ship VS Mirror Universe Fleet | 2 Battles | Star Trek Ship Battle |”

  1. So I think what it is with the AI is that with certain ships, unlike players it doesn't utilize the weapons or the button that uses it. So you'd hold down the primary fire button for example on phasers, where the AI doesn't use it fully on this ship, so next to no damage is done.

    I enjoyed this battle though! Great spread of ships. 🙂

  2. So fun fact – In Bridge Commander the AI can't actually attack unless there is a torpedo system hardpointed in. The timeship only has the phaser, so the AI just keeps maneuvering around trying to line up torpedos that it doesn't have, and never uses its other systems. There's a lot of nuances to the way modded BC found workarounds for that!

  3. the wierd ship you're in I think is a Marklin-class a beta canon ship from what i understand. I think it's from the mostly defunct Axanar series, which basically designed their ships by fixing some of the JJ ships…lol literally found that ship's file It's called the Icon class….whatever that is


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