Brain Telephone to the Heavens

Short guitar song I made using four guitar riffs, two of which were originally in a different song that I am now using for this one. It’s a short song mainly to emphasize peaceful emotions. Love these guitar riffs. I am so different than I once was. I feel like how I felt as a kid, like I have my soul/mind back. Life is temporary, and all the confusion and gloom is just a distortion an if you stay true in your heart, good things CAN happen. It’s all about energy, your soul energy, we all have free will to do with it what we will. We can all witness something amazing but if we give in to the negativity, we can weaken our divine connection to Heaven. Doubt, darkness, fear…and other things are just distractions to keep us trapped mentally and spiritually. Love, light, harmony, and confidence are the qualities that keep us tethered to the right path.

Drum track credit goes to John Page Contraband.


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