Boston Symphony Orchestra Remembers Seiji Ozawa with Remarks and Bach's Air on the G String

To honor Seiji Ozawa, its music director laureate, the Boston Symphony Orchestra offered a spoken and musical tribute at the start of its performance on Friday afternoon, January 9. BSO President and CEO Chad Smith offered remarks, and guest conductor Karina Canellakis led the BSO in Bach’s Air on the G String (from the Orchestral Suite No. 3), a work that had personal significance and history for Ozawa.

Video courtesy of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.


38 thoughts on “Boston Symphony Orchestra Remembers Seiji Ozawa with Remarks and Bach's Air on the G String”

  1. I grew up near San Francisco and heard him conduct the SFSO as I was becoming a young musician. The memory of a truly great performance of Mozart's Ave verum corpus and Betthoven's Symphony #9 stay with me to this day, some 50 years later. Thank you, maestro.

  2. I saw Ozawa when I was in college in San Francisco at his conductorial debut as an usher at the opera house, from my college theatre class!! I was also fortunate to see Van Cliburn, Dame Margot dancing with Rudolph Nureyev and many others! A real blessing for a kid from a tiny little town on the California Central Coast!!!

  3. RIP Seiji Ozawa. When people hear his name, they think of Boston. But when I hear his name, I think of San Francisco. In 1970, the Lowell High School Orchestra, in San Frncisco held a fund-raising concert in the San Francisco Opera House. Besides Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite, Copland’s Outdoor Overture, Gershwin’s An American in Paris, all conducted by our teacher, John Pereira, Mr. Ozawa took time out of his busy international schedule to rehearse us and then lead us in concert in Debussey’s Afternoon of a Faun and Bernstein’s Candide Overture. So not only did he help us realise our dream of traveling to Japan to represent San Francisco at the Expo ′70 in Osaka, but he also inspired us all in our future lives – many of us, including myself, went on to be professional musicians ourselves and having played under his baton and leadership was … inspiring. Thank you Mr. Ozawa!

  4. As a kid at Tanglwood once our (viola) section wasn’t well prepared to rehearse w/ Maestro Ozawa. He “excused” the whole section to go figure it out. So embarrassing – and endearing. Never forgot that lesson!! RIP to a Giant.

  5. Thanks to the Boston Symphony Orchestra and beautiful tribute to Seeji Ozawa The world 🌎🌎🌎 has lost a Titan in classical music 😭😭😭. Bachs Air on the G String lovely tribute Rest in ✌️✌️✌️ Hes conducting the largest orchestra in heaven

  6. This is a beautiful tribute. I only had the privilege to hear Ozawa conduct in person once, with the Saito Kinen Orchestra playing Mahler's Second Symphony in Chicago. One of the best performances I have ever experienced. Thank you maestro. RIP.

  7. I remember hearing him conduct the Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique in 1969 at Western University with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, a marvelous performance. This work seemed to be a central feature in his personal repertoire, and the recording which he made at that time remains an emotional rendering of the masterpiece. He was an unforgettable interpreter of great music.

  8. 演奏終了後の黙祷で彼がどれほど愛されていたか、彼ほど行ったことがどれほどの深い悲しみなのかを感じました。

  9. 地元に新日フィルとの演奏会で何度か来ていだだき、バッハのアリアをアンコールで演奏していただきました。

  10. Grandissima commozione! ❤ L' ho conosciuto tramite un libro intervista: è stato un enorme insegnamento per me! Era una persona umilissima e nello stesso tempo musicista grandioso: per questo sarà sempre nel cuore delle persone che lo hanno conosciuto. Grazie Maestro! Possa tu fare Musica divina in cielo! 🎶🎶🙏🙏

  11. 涙が出る様なお別れのメッセージと演奏をありがとうございます。

  12. 次代を担う素晴らしいカリーナ カネラキスの指揮で終わることなく永遠に続くかのようなバッハ、寂しさが募ります、半世紀以上小澤征爾を聴いてきました、

  13. I was a season ticket holder for the SF symphony during the Ozawa era. He was an innovator. He loved to play the modern composers works even tho the critics played hard into him. There was nothing greater than the members of the orchestra would tap their bows and stomp their feet after a performance to tell the critics to shout their mouths. I remember when he played the toy piano for a Nicolas Cage piece


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