Bob Lazar UFO Leaks And Mysterious Coincidences

Bob Lazar UFO Leaks And Mysterious Coincidences
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Join us in our documentary style video today about the legendary man Bob Lazar. Well discuss the information he has leaked to the public and the mysterious coincidences surrounding UFO appearances and times governments tried to make us forget. There is nothing forgettable about what is about to be shown here so, stick around, stay tuned and enjoy our video today!

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49 thoughts on “Bob Lazar UFO Leaks And Mysterious Coincidences”

  1. Never forget this: deep understanding of gravity is behind the technology that powers the spaceships and the deep understanding of consciousness type one is behind controlling the spaceships and navigation system (consciousness type one has nothing to do with gravity itself)
    they deciphered both gravity and consciousness type one (it’s the result of a continuous scientific hard work, probably work of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years).

  2. Never forget this too: no one can even dream to reach planet earth without deciphering both gravity and consciousness type one (impossible).
    and current primitive technology of the irrationals can’t detect such a technology (electromagnetism,….etc).
    who can decipher gravity based on deep understanding can fly without wings, ….. etc (can do what the irrationals call miracles).

  3. Systematic cover-up has kind of religious background (other dimensions,….etc)
    but there are no other dimensions the way they think, there are no so-called gods, demons, angels,…etc
    they are nothing more than an malicious intelligent alien entities from outside of planet earth but the built their own underground basements (nests) on planet earth since a long time ago, they watch Nuclear installations (they are worried about their nests).

  4. What if the kecksburg Pennsylvania crash was a Nazi space craft the first in space even before the Russian Sputnik but fell from it's orbit no one would want the Nazis to be the first anything would they.

  5. UFO, S have the following properties. They can fly through solid matter, such as stone, that means, for example, they do not need an entrance or doors to fly into the bunker, and there is still a phenomenon that the interior is much greater than the UFO itself What does it mean that there is more space than is actually possible, so you only have to bury a UFO and then use the effects of the machine. So an underground bunker does not have to be big. This means that you can basically use a UFO as a storage room. In many reports, the pilot has been said to have a small box with it that nobody was allowed to see or knows what is in the box. This box is the heart of the machine, i.e. the engine. You only need the small box, which the effects influence the surroundings and distort the space around Herrum. With this ulterior motive, it should be clear that you should be hundreds of tanks in a UFO, airplanes etc. can. As an example, if you had this box in your basement, the basement would then have a size of a football stadium, you switch off the machine, the basement is small again. So the perfect hiding place to store and transport large quantities in a small place.

  6. If you don’t believe Lazar to be telling anything else but facts you’re clearly brain dead. I had no idea who he was until just after the pandemic lockdown and I came across a video of him explaining what the craft worked like and from there I knew he was the real deal.

  7. Today’s whistleblowers are coming forward with much of the same info as Lazar only from their own personal accounts and not one of them have referenced Lazar. Lazar is obviously legit.

  8. A conspiracy theorie is per definition "truth", according to the well proven facts about the murder of president Kennedy. Read the CIA declassified document about that and read on that same page about the MURDER of Marilyn Monroe. The term conspiracy theorist was made to make one or more person(s) not believable in the public opinion, read the declassified CIA-document about the use of that term.

  9. He has never sought fame, just told it how it is. His reason was that people just needed to know the truth. He's stayed out of the press as much as possible, even hiding at times. He has never said he has all the answers, And the things he talked about back in the 80's have started to be found to be legit. Ppl have tried to biscredit him with his missing qualifications. But if you listen to what he actually says in some of his interviews on how and what he was recruited for, it's perfectly feasible and makes so much sence in the bigger picture of the cold war rhetoric of the time.

    Let's be honest. I would rather listen to and Believe his story, than the history channel and it's ancient alien crap!

  10. Egypt is not at all transparant concerning their heritage. They lie about most of the things.
    — First don't do a Google search, second: who hasn't seen flying cicular discs these days? What you? Well, start by looking up for an hour around 10 or 11hr, you might see what you're waiting for. If you live in a city, the lights will not let you see. Go to a place/town with almost no lights in the street.
    And humans have be since at least 40 years in space with advanced tech. Not with that ridiculous rocket tech.
    President Reagan talked about a defense weapon (star wars) for a threat from OUTSIDE our planet, well we had that when he spoke about it.
    President Trump said in 2020 we need a 5th army force in space, well we have that for more than 20 years.

    — He who looks up, might see what I've seen all those years. You'll know that all that keep-it-mysterious way of – "are we alone?" kinda thing, is so ridiculous that you'll rather be shocked to see how many are so ignorent/blind/wannabe blind/wannabe ignorent and don't wanna know kinda people there are on this planet !

  11. I KNOW BOB’S correct!!
    He knew about el-115 YEARS BEFORE THEY REALIZED/ found/ made it.
    NOBODY IS GONNA DESTROY HIS LIFE & rep for 20-35 YEARS for nothing.
    Both men are very smart.
    Dr Greer is a amazing take NO BULL CRAP
    HES GOT AROUND 70 very very very well know famous people who are one part of his life insurance so black government can’t kill him off like they did 4 of his staff members.
    Plus, he says the biggest things/ biggest secrets are to be revealed at his death


  13. See now right there your changing Bob Lazar's narrative! He never said he worked on all 9 of the different UFO, nor that all the interiors are or were the absolute same. Bob Lazar has said that on one particular occasion that he was walking by the Hangar doors were all open at one time and he could see up to 9 different craft, all different sizes and shapes with one looking like a top hat, and another having a huge hole in it as if it was shot down. Bob Lazar only ever said he worked on one particular ship, the "Sport Model" as he dubbed it, and he was never clear to go to the upstair area where the supposed computers were in the ship. He only had access to the main area of the ship and what could be called the sub level which had 3 cylinder shaped metal bits hang, which were the gravity directors. Bob has stated many times there was only one thing on the ship that he felt we could even begin to produce at our current level of intelligence, which was the Door to the sub level which also was part of the floor. The floor was a honeycomb grate shape, but when you stuck your hand into one of the honeycomb holes and pushed it aside it would split and open up to becoming a door or hatch. This was how he accessed the Gravity Directing Engines, and this and the main combustion chamber of the seeming engine on the main floor was all that he was working on, and he did NOT have clearance to any other aspects of the ship.

    PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE STORIES SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU THINK IT SOUNDS BETTER, OR MORE THRILLING TO TELL! As a fellow researching we must all make certain we are keeping good records on incidents and situations so that we can get to the bottom of things. If we all start changing the narratives to fulfill our own urges to make things more thrilling or more exciting of a story to tell, then we have completely lost any and all truth that we have ever gained, and the Shadow Governments, OGA's, and Corporations keeping these Black Projects/USAPS CLASSIFIED… Have Won!

    Just my thoughts.

  14. There is a lot more to this story. Bob would be dead now if he did not release his experience with spectacular effect. There is truth there but mostly drama.

    His reaction was predictable. There have been many "Bob Lazars"… all reacting the way he did. Humans are not ready for the truth.

  15. His story has never changed from day one why would he lie he has never gained anything from it apart from being threatened and raided in his work shop he described the power sauce what these crafts run on in element 15 everyone laughed and guess what a few years later the us government comes out with we have invented a power sauce and guess what it was eliment 115 so who’s lying here it’s certainly not Bob

  16. Come on guys be honest………Bob Lazar does not stand up to careful scrutiny and neither do his incredible stories…….he has never done a one to one televised interview with a heavy weight credible scientist.

  17. I have been praying for Bob for years and for him being "suicided". A very very brave man, live long and prosper Bobby ,know there is unimaginable love waiting for you. Real "Patriot to humanity".

  18. I was initially skeptical of this guy, allowing myself to be influenced by the media drumbeat against him. As time went on, one thing after another "popped up" to confirm what he was saying, including the full confirmation in 2013 that there was such a place as "Area 51" and the even more secret place where he worked nearby.
    Now we have a fully credentialed former Pentagon official with outstanding reputation and history confirming what Lazar said long ago.
    It's incredible but we must now admit to the real possibility that such programs and such things as Lazar and David Grusch were talking about ARE REAL.
    If so, the most serious legal investigations must be made against those involved in the coverup, no matter how secret or protected they may think necessitous, as possible cases of treason, for withholding this information from congress.

  19. I so enjoy looking at sooooo many ppl comments that believe this…I saw a big blue like lightning plasma thing right over the top of my truck… like 10ft my girlfriend and I were in a slight compromising position but she will tell u we could feel the heat coming off it, and we was already HOT…but it came on and when it left it was soon fast… 2 hrs late getting her home thought it was 30 seconds????

  20. The US government needs to apologize to Bob Lazar and let bygones be bygones so they can get on with what's really important here and rebuild these flying machines and unite the 🌎🌍🌎 world because some of these aliens could be hostile we also need to find new worlds in case they blow our beloved Earth up I will be watching from heaven with Jesus and join his army 🙏.

  21. theres no such thing as conspiracy theorists , those people are simply critical thinkers and non conformists that conformists call conspiracy theorists in attempts to discredit the obvious . The government is corrupt and illegitimate .

  22. So weird Robert Lazar being turned into an Urban Legend, 3 decades after the fact. John Lear was before Robert Lazar, by a few years, and "Bob" Lazar only showed up, after meeting John Lear. John Lear was a CIA pilot for Air America over Cambodia during the Vietnam war and was a CIA pilot for the Janet Airlines, from Las Vegas to Dreamland (Area-51) during the early 1980's.

  23. I can confirm that there are indeed some mavericks such a Lazar employed in the examination of 'captured' UFOs. This is understandable when you think about how reverse engineering investigations work, where with objects and technology which is beyond our mainstream physics understanding, you want people who are adventurous, somewhat oddball and not necessarily conventionally educated, since they will be inclined to think outside the box when trying to solve problems where there is no roadmap for where to go next, but there is some stuff which has already been determined which is useful to them as a starting point.

    The reason I know this is the case, is because some years back when I worked as a writer, I was hired to produce some documentation which was essentially a 'welcome pack overview' of where we were up to in terms of examining the technology behind some 'captured' UFOs which were, to my understanding, in the UK Government's posession. I think I was selected to do this because it would be easy to discredit me on this subject because of what I usually worked on, which wasn't anything even remotely like this kind of thing and not my background at all if I decided to let on about it, which is still the case. Sound familiar?

    I was informed that my work would be intended for people such as this who are brought in to such investigative secret programmes, so I would be best able to write in such a way which would be suited to the intent of the documentation and the people who would be using it. To say I was surprised when I found out this is what I would be doing, is an understatement, but as you can imagine, I was really up for it as it's pretty wild to say the least and who would not want to get in on this stuff? What I can tell you is that I was given a bunch of very convoluted and not well collated notes written by various people who'd previously been working on these craft, and my task was to streamline this stuff to clarify what had thus far been learned and confirmed about these things, so as to provide an overview starting point for people who were new to the investigative programme, but without it requiring a massive amount of reading and study on their part before they could dive in and start figuring stuff out.

    Without getting into specifics of the physical structure of the craft and its working parts, since that is the 'secret' bit, the gist of it all was that as far as has been determined, these craft have an engine which can essentially grab hold of a space/time coordinate, pull it toward the craft's location (basically bending space/time), whereupon it physically moves forward a small distance into that pulled space (this is the really tricky bit of the operation, since the focus has to move a bit to allow the craft to shift into that space whilst still pulling on the distant space, and as far as I'm aware, the safe transition of this small move is not well understood), then this 'gravity engine' is shut down, allowing the space to snap back to its original location, taking the craft with it, since it has moved forward to occupy that previously distant bit of space. This is why such craft, when they have been sighted by people occasionally, seem to zip about at incredible speeds, turn on a sixpence, look like they are changing shape and such. Technically, they aren't actually moving very much at all in the conventional sense, thus there is no need to worry about inertia, G forces and the like, but as noted, there is a difficulty in moving from one bit of warped space to another whilst maintaining a constant and even gravitational force on the craft and not causing problems to the surrounding areas, which is the bit we're struggling with completely understanding in terms of doing it safely.

    This means of propulsion is why these things can travel vast distances pretty much instantaneously. So the difficult part of how this works from a point of understanding it so it can be replicated, and what we are struggling with getting to grips with, is threefold; it's the engine itself and how that works, the materials used in its construction, and the concepts of being able to understand the way space/time coordinates are mapped or identified in relation to having usable reference points from which to do this, because this is fundamentally different from the way conventional vehicles go about moving around. It's somewhat akin to giving someone from the 1700s a mobile phone; you could show them how to work it, but they'd still be 300 years behind in terms of getting their head around all the concepts involved in how it does what it does and the other stuff it depends upon in order to work, of which they'd have no knowledge at all.

    So yes, some governments really do have these craft and are working on them to learn their secrets, but the technology is indeed alien to us in the 'outside our realm of conventional undrestanding' sense of the word. Whether or not they are actually alien in the sense of being extraterrestrial or not, I have no idea. Aliens in the 'little green men from another planet' sense of the word alien, were not mentioned at all in any of the stuff I was given or briefed on, I was merely given the info about the things themselves, not where they were from. So for all I know they could have been from anywhere, possibly from another time, a parallel universe, or more prosaic but unlikely in my opinion, another contemporary nation with secret technology. But we absolutely do have some of these things.

  24. Great content but a couple details not missed but weak. Lazar claimed a stable isotope of 115 not just 115. He did build jet turbine cars not allegedly built them and nobody had heard of S-4 at the time but journalism work by George Knapp was able to confirm the existence of an S-4 location on the base years later. Bob sure is on heck of a Guesser lol but it's been the stuff of the last 5 years that have really started to corroborate his claims. The way he says they flew and behave is exactly what we've been seeing in these gov. Videos and reports. They didn't want him because of his impeccable academic record they wanted him because he was a outside the box rebel thinker and scientific thinker. He drove a Honda that he made work with jet propulsion 😂 who better to look at something that is so far out of the box. His story has been strengthend over time it just has and don't be so quick to dismiss what he's saying just because he was the first to say it

  25. Don't care what others think, but having seen a UFO November 1979 – seen by pilots / RAF Personnel and reported to Heathrow Airport/ MOD and police, I KNOW there are other energies that come into our lives at times.


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