Blue Dragon (Xbox's First JRPG Venture) – Clemps – Click here to support me and all of my future content! CONSIDER SUBSCRIBING TOO! – Clemps Ungloved (Stream Archive Channel) – (Coffee with Clemps Podcast)

CJ’s Channel, please go subscribe to him for his fantastic music covers-

At one point in time, Microsoft decided to release a few Xbox JRPGs. One of those was called Blue Dragon. Just who IS the titular Blue Dragon? Why is he so Blue? LET’S FIND OUT


CJ Vidal AKA for his amazing music cover that he allowed me to use during the credits!

Aaron Schmit AKA who animated the new fantastic new intro!

AZODiMUSIC AKA Who composed the official, original Clemps theme! (Can also find them here: /

Sylphy AKA Who drew the very lovely Blue Dragon Clemps with Rat Shadow on the thumbnail!

SwitchBranding AKA who is now making my thumbnails!

Volta Bass AKA Created the fantastic outro for me and the intro for my other videos!

My Discord for listening to me vent about editing issues.


Lith Harbor, Above the Treetops – Maple Story

Lethal Lava Land Desert – Super Mario 64

Tifa’s Theme – Final Fantasy 7

Ahead on our Way – Final Fantasy 5

The Land Shark is Coming! – Blue Dragon

Nene’s Paradise – Blue Dragon

Floral Life – Maple Story

Rim Elm – Legend of Legaia

Love Letter Epic War – Final Fantasy 9

Exceed the Land – Blue Dragon

Dragon Fight – Blue Dragon

Hurry – Final Fantasy 7

Bran Bal – Final Fantasy 9

The Seal is Broken – Blue Dragon

CJ Vidal, Felp Bagatin & Allan Lobo – Blue Dragon – Eternity

#BlueDragon #LostOdyssey #Xbox


36 thoughts on “Blue Dragon (Xbox's First JRPG Venture) – Clemps”

  1. Feels like its been 10,000 years, but it's finally here. The beginning of my Xbox Exclusive JRPG series!

    Got a lot of work ahead of me, but I appreciate your patience and hope the wait is worth it. 🙂

    Also, PLEASE check out CJ Vidal's channel in the description. His Eternity Cover is so powerful and he deserves so much love for it. GO GIVE HIM JUST THAT!

  2. 4:22
    They should be pretty scared now with how SE pretty much sold the biggest IPs known to man for less than the Activitin deal ( less than 1% ) while releasing a flop with Platinum Games ( harming the reputation of the Studio in the process, the least they needed honestly ) and investing the money from selling out EIDOS and Crystal Dynamics into Crypto Market while the same is imploding and becoming a bigger lost of money than FF The Spirits Within could ever be ( I gotta tell you, they gotta lose much more if they decide to invest into a dead trend like Crypto and Metaverse )

  3. Blue Dragon's overworld RT circle where you could fight monsters back to back (and sometimes turn them against each other) was such an amazing feature that I wish more JRPGs used. If nothing else it was a great time saver, and it was very satisfying to watch rival monsters tear each other apart if you were able to combo the correct monsters.

  4. I played that game…. honnestly couldn't get into it, couldn't figure why at first, and then I replay it and it tick me, the characters sucks, I might go as far as say this is the worst cast I ever experienced in a JRPG my god I never encounter a cast so bad that they actually makes me hate them right on the first minutes, I've played this game 10-15 hours and they were keep getting even worse somehow, and when the fourth character comes and it turns out to be somehow EVEN more annoying than the first 3 that's when I promptly told this game to fuck himself and turn it off, I don't care if the story eventually get better, I don't care if these characters somehow get good I'm not inflicting this to myself.

    Also honnestly I found the boss theme comically bad, I couldn't stop laughing when I first hear it definitly a case of "it's so bad it's funny" category right next to the fucking Metal Chocobo Theme of FFXIII-2 to me XD. Anyway I think when it comes to 360's Mistwalker RPG I'll stick to Lost Odyssey thank you, and your video really don't give me any wish to come back to this game.

  5. People usually forget that Sakaguchi had A LOT of influence and power in Square in the 90s thanks to his body of work, even becoming VP of Square Japan and then president of Square LA. His design philosophy could be felt from top to bottom all around the company: Few to no sequels or spin-offs, stories with a more operatic feel, themes centering around death and identity, etc.

    But then Spirits Within came and screwed up everything. Square execs were drunk on power, thinking that FF and Sakaguchi could do no wrong no matter what kind of project they threw at them, and… of course that was stupid. My man was used to tell stories through a 30-60h time length, with little cg cutscenes sprinkled here and there in the later titles… who the hell thought that giving him a 1h and something feature film would go right?

    But the deed was done. Sakaguchi fell from grace and lost motivation at the same time, while Yoichi Wada, a long-time detractor of Sakaguchi's views when it came to sequels and spin-offs, gained more and more clout until he ultimately became Square-Enix president in 2003 after the merger. And the rest is history.

    Anyway, I like Mistwalker and their games. They seem to be very much focused on making the games feel imaginative and fantastic first and foremost, with a great focus on character development, instead of just the Edgy and Cool vibes that most Squenix modern rpgs never seem to be able to grow out of. I just…

    I just want them to release Fantasian for PS4, man! Come on, Gooch! Come OOOOONNNNN!!!

    Nevertheless, great job, Clemps. Keep it up.

  6. i had a Visceral reaction to final fantasy spirit within being dropped here since its been on my mind for months but never could recall the name, those few scenes shown made all the missing parts slam together and now I'm off to go re watch it. oh and i recall blue dragon as well so its been a real treat to see all this.

  7. Dude, check out the blue dragon Anime sometime, it giddily goes off the rails sooooo hard. Zola's Shadow is a major villain, Deathroy isn't Destroy. You get a shadow and you get a shadow! Compared to the game which is fairly standard fare the anime is legit nuts.

  8. So funny story, Microsoft knew their lack of JRPGs on XBox was a problem so they put out a bounty on JRPG development, actively paying off Japanese developers to make 360 exclusive JRPGs…most of which got enhanced PS3 versions a year later due to contract loopholes. But as such, for the first couple years? The XBox 360 had the MOST JRPGs of any 7th gen console…yeah the 7th gen was REALLY that bad for JRPGs. There was a massive backlash against the genre around that time coupled with a huge jump in development costs it left many companies unsure HOW to make a new JRPG.

    Still, thanks for explaining what was up with the cubes since that's what Awakened Shadow revolved around and that's the only Blue Dragon game I actually enjoyed which is largely because I love multiplayer co-op dungeon crawl games (though that's actually a secondary mode in Awakened Shadow).

    I look forward to your Lost Odyssey videos as that game was good but…too emotional for me. I stopped playing because it gave me too many feels. That said I do wonder if you might look at Magna Carta 2…which is really a Korean RPG but was probably my favorite 360 RPG more for gameplay than plot and admittedly it takes a minute for the gameplay to really start.

    Also when you said the XBox's first JRPG I didn't think you meant "exclusive" and immidiately wanted to correct you with Enchanted Arms and THAT is…a thing. Enchanted Arms was the first JRPG of the 7th generation and was FromSoftware very out of their depths since their games are…honestly not very anime normally, but they embraced it here. It's unfinished and clunky but noteworthy for its weirdness, like having the dumbest idiot hero ever and letting you have a Pizza Golem in your party. The game has two versions with differences. The 360 version has a couple of exclusive bonus bosses based on XBox exclusive From Software games like President Michael Wilson in his mechsuit from Metal Wolf Chaos, the mech from Murakumo, and the main guy from Otogi. The later released PS3 version lacks these but adds in a new chapter with a ninja lady and shoehorns in SixAxis motion control support largely in the form of…THE ENCHANT DANCE where at any time you can hit a trigger button to make a rainbow shoot across the screen and shake the controller to make the main character dance in order to refill super meter but also increase the encounter rate.

    I think I might have the only Enchant Dance videos on YouTube and I still can't believe that was a feature.

  9. I am back in my JRPG best life right now. After getting sick fed up with broken release after broken release over the past few years, I have dove into the Tales series, the Star Ocean series, Dragon Quest, FF again, I reinstalled Eternal Sonata on the xbox, I played the .hack series on my PS2 for the first time and .hack//G.U. on the PS4 but, even despite seeing it always going cheap on the xbox, I never picked up Blue Dragon. I think I may have to!!!! I keep looking at it, seeing the very positive reviews!

  10. Spirits Within was a more than decent movie, but that should have never been called "Final Fantasy". General audience would just chalk it as "another video game movie", while fans of the series would expect a magitek fantasy epic, and not a slow-paced science-fiction story.

  11. It's really a shame the 360 didn't catch on more with the Japanese/jrpg crowd because they really did try, and the games that did come to 360 were all actually very good, if not great.

  12. I remember when I first played this game, I ignored the job system when it was introduced since seeing my characters stats go down upon changing to them put me off which led to the first real boss of the game basically being a roadblock for me and eventually when I continued on I basically got softlocked at the boss following the "Bomb" sequence since my levels weren't good and the bosses killed me fast and got too many turns off at once. Once I came back to the game and started really delving into everything it was pretty easy by the midgame. This is basically the game that taught me to start respecting the options it gives you (along with Megaman X Command Mission) instead of ignoring them since it turns into a nightmare when you do.

    I also recently discovered there was a hard mode dlc for this game among other things which is pretty cool. Not sure if you can still get it these days though.


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