Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat (April – June 1940) – World War II

In May 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of the coalition government and promised his people “blood, toil, tears and sweat”. He was unfortunately right. As the Netherlands and France fell to Hitler, rescuing thousands of Allied soldiers from the Dunkirk squares became Churchill’s priority.

Narrated by Liam Dale


34 thoughts on “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat (April – June 1940) – World War II”

  1. The USSR would have collapsed without the Lend-Lease Act and help from Britain (intelligence).
    Loss of food would have sealed the fate of the soviets (unless helped by foreign powers fighting for communism)
    The soviets got enough food from the USA to feed its soldiers for the rest of the war,
    12 million boots , 60 percent aluminum and steel, a lot of tin , 90 percent of railway equipment ( the soviets would never have been able to conduct offensives so fast and transfer their main armies to critical points , 300000 trucks were given , 65 percent of aviation fuel and much more apart from 15 percent tanks ,aircrafts
    Soviet sympathizers say "only 15 per cent was given to USSR"

  2. I am proud of our Tsar Boris, who refused Hitler to send troops against Russia, because he knew that no Bulgarian would fight against the Russians! I will not talk about the assimilation of our Jews, I will only say that Bulgaria is the only one country in the world that refused Hitler to send his Jews to the death camps. For all this, King Boris paid with his life, torn away or by Hitler (he was on a visit to Hitler and there he refused to send our troops to the front ,died a week after this visit )or by the English

  3. Churchill was a 33 degree Freemason and a druid. He was put into office instead of Chamberlain, to make sure the war didn't stop.
    MI6 agent Adolf Hitler/Pölzl/Schiklgruber/Rothschild delayed the dispatch of German forces to Dunkirk, thus saving the British and French forces and preventing a German victory.
    Of course, a channel whose symbol is an all seeing eye within a 666 sign would never tell you that.


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