Blood, Magic and…Clay? The Painful Grind for Steel | GTNH Skyblock: Garden of Grind | Part 11

This is my epic journey through the classic old Minecraft modpack called Gregtech: New Horizons aka GTNH

But instead of playing it in a normal world, I’m playing it in a void world starting out with nothing…

Literally, NOTHING!!!

The challenge is called β€œGarden of Grind”

I’m playing and recording this through the Prism Minecraft modpack Launcher.

*here’s a link to the .pdf if you’re crazy enough to give this challenge a go for yourself;

Thanks for watching me suffer lols!

*as mentioned in this part here is a link to the Thaumcraft research helper I’ve been using;


42 thoughts on “Blood, Magic and…Clay? The Painful Grind for Steel | GTNH Skyblock: Garden of Grind | Part 11”

  1. Day 4 of asking

    @gardenofgrind at the end of the series could your enormous gigantic mega base take up a 63by63 region files and it has outside and inside decoration such as houses, pathways/streets, signs, parks ETC…?

  2. Just a piece of advice, excess flux in your world is bad. Specifically, if you aren’t careful in thaumcraft and do too much stuff in one chunk, it will create a flux rift: a literal tear in space that is really frustrating to deal with.

    In other words, you need a thaumometer and to avoid doing excessive spells in one chunk unless you have made it far enough to deal with the flux rifts (they can be really useful later down the line, but initially I wouldn’t mess with them)

    I personally accidentally made a flux rift once, it was infuriating to try and fix, and most stuff like flux sponges and stuff was just not helping (albeit it was a different version of thaumcraft with different recipes, the thermometer usually isn’t that hard to craft)

  3. If you learn enough metal duplications you can create 1 steel nugget using 1 iron nugget and 1 chiseled stone bricks, although it leaves behind a terra, which can produce flux if unmanaged. It could be a much faster way to get steel.

  4. Honestly this series has gotten us back into GT:NH and has made us appreciate just, playing the game instead of doing only quests :3 Thank you so much GoG, you're a great gamer

  5. Tip: You can bookmark items with control + shift + a instead of just a when in the recipe of that item and it adds the components to the bookmark tab too

    and if you left click on top of the bookmark page it splits all bookmarked "recipes" into separate rows

    Imo, it looks much nicer and you dont have to check the recipe every few seconds

  6. Assuming you make it far enough, when do you plan to quit since its impossible to get stargate? Devs have already states they wont add recipe support for challenge runs, so its not a good idea to bet on that hope

  7. all the human flesh you have eaten has warped you (warp is a mechanic with in thaumcraft) and thats whats causing the explosions noises and will cont to do more things to you like give you debuffs and make you see and hear things.

  8. Protip, If you want to easily know how much of something you need, on NEI, click the top of your bookmarks page (I/E, the text that says "(1/1) [7]") This will change the mode of your bookmarks page and now you can go into a recipe you wanna craft (For example the firebricks), and do CTRL+SHIFT+A on the recipe output (the bricks block), this will add the recipe output you selected and all their inputs into the bookmarks tab with their respective quantities, now you can do CTRL+SHIFT+SCROLLWHEEL on the recipe output (in the bookmarks tab) and all the recipe inputs will scale accordingly.

    This is a gtnh thing that I always miss when playing any other pack, although crafting calculator kinda does the same thing, I prefer the NEI method.

    Also if optifine is giving you trouble you could try Angelica (official sodium backport for gtnh), don't forget to download the dependencies if you do so, I'm having a wonderful experience with it in gtnh 1.5

  9. * If you ever want to know how to build a multiblock, go to the main controller block in NEI, and click the tab with the blueprint icon to get a 3d model and list of materials. You can also make the item in the tab (Multiblock Structure Hologram Projector from the StructureLib mod) and click it on the controller to get an in-world model to assist building

    * You may want to look up the Piston Boots in NEI

    * btw, the way storage drawers hides icons is for performance reason since drawing icons can be very resource intensive
    I believe the range at which icons draw can be changed in the config file though

    * Regarding flux – make sure you're keeping backups if you don't want your base to be eaten πŸ™‚

  10. I remember how painful it was to build my first blast furnace. I can only imagine how much more of a grind it was for you! I will say, somewhat obviously, that it's preferable to have multiple furnaces to increase your output through parallelism, especially since the recipes are so slow. Though I also get not wanting to craft a silly difficult (at the time) multiblock more than once.

  11. There is also a way to get silverwood or greatewood sapling by searching for pure node or eeire node. These nods will change biome to magical or eerie. A "pech" will spawn in these biomes. You can teade them using gold anything.

  12. For the Bricked Blast Furnace, you do want to always use coal blocks once your compressor is sustainable. You cook 10 items at the price of 9 coal and 9 items or less (depending on the recipe) worth of time.


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