15 Secret Tips & Tricks You NEED to Know – Become a Better Hunter – Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak!

There’s LOTS of ways to destroy Master Rank hunts you’re not using! Enjoy!
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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak is here and it’s incredible with its new Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak gameplay so now we get to it with a Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak guide with Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak new player tips tricks and best things to do with all that is Sunbreak new monster Sunbreak hard difficulty made easy Sunbreak guide Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak endgame guide afflicted anomaly quests guide!

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30 thoughts on “15 Secret Tips & Tricks You NEED to Know – Become a Better Hunter – Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak!”

  1. I dont know if they changed it on sunbreak but historically, using traps like shock and pitfall when the monster is enraged causes them to break free from them quicker than when exhausted/neutral.

    some monsters become immune to traps, others become vulnerable to traps! make sure you know what you are dealing with so you dont waste those resources!

    mini bonus tip: Pitfall trap + paralyze followed by stun is a mega combo that can be game ending at the right time! para hammers are awesome for that reason 🙂

  2. It's funny that he says demon and armor pots last for the full hunt yet in said clip you can see them flashing from about to wear off, I could have sworn that in Rise they nerfed them to no longer be 1 and done buffs.

  3. As a charge-blade main, that Wyvern Ride tip is super helpful. Lost many a combo that way. Also, anyone else run Herb in loadout as well, so you can just harvest Honey to craft?

  4. Learn Where Your Hunting Helpers Are! Spiders, beetles and more; I recommend stacking up a few before even taking on your target — STRONGLY ENCOURAGE Wyern Riding at the beginning to deal good damage right out the gate; but make sure to pick up either the ruby or gold bug prior to that or more riding damage or more monster parts.

  5. Dango skill activation success is actually predetermined before you eat, and trying to reset the game/rerolling will not change the results, the same applies to the ticket. It almost feels like the tickets are a lie. If it fails you are forced to complete a quest in order to actually try again. Bear this in mind should you desperately need to have a skill active.

    (so much time wasted reseting just to realize its the same result every time)

  6. Since you just learned about trap efficiency, allow me to pass on this pro strat.
    For monsters like narga or rajang that can only be caught in pitfalls while enraged, theres actually a way to maximize trap time. Normally a monster thats enraged escapes traps faster, but on monsters that can only be trapped during rage makes this a bit of a problem as you cant use it at any other time. But there is an exploit. If you time things perfectly (you'll have to figure it out) you can catch the monster on the last second of its rage state so it will be in the trap as it calms down letting it stay trapped longer. (as a bonus add stun and paralysisi at the last second before it gets out to go even longer)

    This was an old strategy back in the older titles and is probably still applicable here too.
    Thought I share that veterans strat to anyone that has never thought to try it.

  7. For starting Master rank, free meal is actually really useful, if you have extra slots, definitely slot it in. Because of the difficulty spike, you might find yourself using more potions and other consumable resources, Free meal will help to mitigate that a little bit and make you have to restock less often mid hunt.

  8. 9:13 As an extention of this. Alway bring a Farcaster. It's a free escape if you think you could be in danger, it could save carts. And also Farcaster is just a free reload on supplies, so your ready to return anewed.

    I know it is preparing for a bad situation but sometimes it is good to have a failsafe in place instead of being punished for running low on supplies or health.

  9. As a Heavy Gunner who runs double Palicos, a few extra tips.
    1) Use the Felvine! It’s a darn good buff to the lil murder machines.
    2) Build a loadout for each of your guns, bring only the ammo you are most likely to use so you can flip though the wheel faster, and when using Sticky or Slice bring the materials to craft more ammo on the fly.
    3) Setup your hot wheel to craft ammo at the flick of a button instead of going into the menu. 9 is way too few Sticky 3s for a fight, but if you bring the materials you can actually pump out like 69 before having to restock at the tent, without and spare shot procs!
    3a) Advanced tip for crafting sticky 3’s, they craft 2 at a time, so to prevent wasting materials don’t wait until you are out, craft more whenever you have a moment and are on an odd number remaining.

  10. I honestly think the easiest way to make master easy is sleeping and abuse Kinect powder vortex I've had the least carts by hiding and using the powder explosions and not to mention constantly healing lowered my pot use

  11. When it comes to doing potions or sharpening I'd say get on your palamute you move so much faster when you heal then and it's that much harder for the monster to get anywhere near you

  12. for the wyvern riding, some hunters just press the ultimate already when it's fully charged but you can actually use strong attack + evade repeat then launch your ult at the last second. more output for you and knock out the monster way longer 🙂

  13. Yes, being close to the monster while healing can be safer. But quite often, when you really need to heal you are in a chaotic situation. The monster might be mid combo, your item wheel might be on a different item which means you'd have to scroll for a while to reach your potions or your camera might be oriented poorly in a way that isn't necessarily fixed by retargeting and you just need to heal without having a clear picture of the situation. In those cases, gaining some distance is extremely useful because seeing a wider angle of the fight allows you to realign your position, ready your potions and dodge when necessary.

  14. Don't waste your rampage slot and an armor skill if you want fast spiribirds. Just use hopping skewers and the dango that boosts spiribirds. It doubles every spiribird you pick up, meaning you can easily max out just heading to the monster.

  15. About capturing monsters. "Better rewards" was more true for Monster Hunter World. In Rise it's more like Different rewards, depending on what materials you are aiming for, one method will generally give you a better chance at it.

  16. 1. I haven't been running demondrug and armordrug except on elder dragons. I'll start giving it a go.
    2. Didn't know that Motely Mix did all that.
    3. Have to stop running away to use potions. It is super dangerous .

    Thanks for the tips.

  17. With loadouts it is better to have a main one but because you have so many slots for loadouts having some tailored for specific monster or weapon types is a better idea. For example Elder Dragons are immune to traps so have a loadout that doesn't include them when you go to fight an Elder Dragon. Also Dung Bombs are an amazing tool to use add to most loadouts whenever you want to avoid getting double-teamed by monsters.

  18. That list tip is the type of things i like hearing. Staying near the monster instead of runnin far. I notice this just makes a loop of eating more and doing the same leading to very frustrating moments.
    I'd like to know more I guess fundamental tips like this.


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