BLONDE | From Writer and Director Andrew Dominik | Official Trailer | Netflix

Discover a life both known and unknown in this boldly imaginative film from Writer and Director Andrew Dominik that explores the complicated life of Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe. Based on the novel of the same name by Joyce Carol Oates, Blonde, starring Ana de Armas as Marilyn Monroe, Adrien Brody, Bobby Cannavale, Xavier Samuel, and Julianne Nicholson premieres on Netflix September 28.


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BLONDE | From Writer and Director Andrew Dominik | Official Trailer | Netflix


35 thoughts on “BLONDE | From Writer and Director Andrew Dominik | Official Trailer | Netflix”

  1. A highly intelligent woman treated awful throughout her life, put on the highest pedestal possible, discarded like trash, used instead of helped and eventually murdered by the Mob. Norma Jean was beautifully imperfect and she didn't deserve 36 years of torture from the people supposed to love her, take care of her and treat her right. Her lifestory is heartbreaking. I sincerely hope that Norma Jean has found the perfect Peace 💕💋

  2. Stayed up until 1am last night, watching. I used to be a hard core fan of Marilyn’s. I was featured in a MM SHOWTIME doc in 1993 produced by Joshua Greene, who’s dad Milton Greene was MM’s production company partner. I sold almost 200 original oil on canvas paintings of MM, read 15 different biographical books (including the one this was based on) I lived in Brentwood and one day noticed, looking at my Thomas guide map, that if you draw a straight line from point A (her house, where she died) to her crypt in Westwood Memorial cemetery, I spent half my life exactly on the middle of that line. I noticed poltergeist in my apt when doing this research and painting the paintings. I was famous for a night at the premiere of “life after death” in Palm Springs. In short, I know ALOT about MM. In the movie, I instantly knew what where when, etc etc without having to be told.
    What did I think? Brilliant tour de force. Acting, direction, art design, editing AMAZING. Best of all was the soundtrack which was always exactly what we needed. Ana brought MM alive like few have done. Made me fall in love w her all over again- BOTH MM and Ana.
    But now the less than perfect: 1. Why so much gratuitous nudity? I found the producers doing the same exact thing to Ana as Hollywood had done to MM- sexualizing her over the top.
    Shame on Brad Pitt et all for that. Disgusting vile scene of MM performing fellatio on a sitting POTUS who’s discussing the Cuban missile crisis? Did I have to see this? I cant un-see it. Shame on you again! Then there is the ending. This movie, just like ELVIS, started w a bang, ended w a wimper. MM’s death was waaaay more complicated than this account. I know it was based on the book but still…
    The truth is, its well known that MM kept a diary. She was privy to insider info on the Bay of Pigs. She threatened to go public. A press conference was planned for monday; she died (killed?) on saturday….hmmmm

    Overall, its still a phenomenal near biblical parable that proves the bible is true- men are inherently wicked. No amount of social engineering or sensitivity training will ever fix humanity. Even the “good guys” like JFK were not good. Even MM- one of the sweetest souls who ever lived, was completely messed up and much of it was her own poor choices. We are all sinners. We all need salvation and if you watch this and dont get it, You need to wake up. In Chris Rock’s immortal words from an award show long ago, RUN TO CHURCH!!!!🎉

  3. Ana should win an oscar………..through out the movie i can feel her despair and anguish and the loneliness! the tears are flowing like breathing the air! not too comfortable with too much boobs…the rest are worthwhile watching!

  4. This is one of the saddest movies I've ever seen. If this was truly an accurate portrayal of how her life was, she was treated like shit by so many, especially the men of Hollywood. So disgusting and heartbreaking

  5. Another Marilyn Munro movie we didn’t ask for & certainly do NOT need same story over & over pls let this woman rest in her grave. Enough! You keep exploiting this woman even in death, what’s the purpose of yearly movies about Marilyn’s life if not for profit. This was sickening to watch I’m outraged!!! This porno negative movie belongs in the trash can!

  6. I made it to the sex scene with her and two guys and stopped. Getting really tired of Netflix allowing so much sex in movies. If i wanted that I got it at home or watching a porn. I want to watch a movie about an amazing woman/actress. Just killed it for me. Disrespectful to Miss Monroe if the only thing you recall of her is sex. RIP Marilyn

  7. Blonde is the worst trashing of a person’s legacy of any movie I’ve even seen. And all just to make a buck. Researchers have delved into some of the sordid scenes they have Monroe involved in in this film. No historical facts or personal accounts of Norma Jean’s mother ever trying to drown her in a bathtub, no evidence of a three-some with two men and a subsequent abortion, or of the JFK bedroom scene. Everyone involved in making this abomination should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. Writing a Netflix film short review, many viewers are left feeling angry and betrayed, well frustrated after watching "Blonde", as they felt the actress had been unjustly paid. It was unclear who had made the decision to pay the actress and for what purpose, instead of taking the viewers on a journey and allowing them to experience the story for themselves. Unfortunately, many viewers felt they were instead being bombarded with yet another storytelling about rape and sexual assault, which only serves to reinforce the idea that all the self-proclaimed starlets are full of drama and sensationalism about their own sexual experiences. Many viewers were hoping for a more compelling story, and are instead left feeling cheated.

  9. This Movie Tells The Story Bad , Could Be Much Much Better ! ! ! You Have That Script And Screwed Up. Nice Performing , But Wasn't Enough…. 5/10
    (Real Documentary Have More Interest)

  10. Relax…I'm a Professional…
    First off, I love Ms. Monroe, I mean love her… This was a hard watch, it jumped from here to there with no landing in mind. I still cant finish where I left off because it doesn't know where it's going. I give this a SOLID 2 out of 5.
    I said what I said!!


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