Black Rifle Coffee Sent Me a CARE PACKAGE!

Black Rifle Coffee Company was so nice to send over some patches and more with this care package! Enjoy this quick unboxing but be sure to get Black Rifle Coffee in stores now!


1 thought on “Black Rifle Coffee Sent Me a CARE PACKAGE!”

  1. Hello, sorry that I have to comment in this video; but your most recent video appears to have comments disabled. It’s a bit of information on Moros Intrepidus.

    I’m just stating a mistake that’s been made, not just by you, but so many others doing videos profiles on this dinosaur.

    Every time I hear, anyone mentioned the size of Moros, I keep hearing that it’s 3.9 feet long.

    The problem with that is that apparently; nobody is taking into consideration what is being measured.

    The description for Moros is that its leg is 3.9 feet long. ITS LEG!

    As for the estimated size of Moros, currently, is more similar to the Jurassic Park Velociraptor’s; at around possibly 12 – 15 feet long & 4 – 5 feet tall.

    The weight is right though.

    Sorry, I had to slightly rant here but I’m just getting tired of this misinformation.


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