Bird Netting For Strawberry Plants

Bird Netting:
Mini Greenhouse “A” Frames:


14 thoughts on “Bird Netting For Strawberry Plants”

  1. You naughty tease, you tempted me with ripe red, sweet, nutrient dense, juicy strawberries and then you ate one right in front of me, I could have cried, it looked so good. I planted some this spring but only one has a flower, I’m thinking next year we’ll have strawberries 🤷‍♀️ I hope. We have tons of raspberries that are just starting to turn pink we should be able to pick them in a few days. Our tomatoes are tennis ball size and we just picked our first summer squash and zucchini it’s very exciting to see the progress. Thank you for all of your videos, Cindy

  2. Interestingly, I tried this (in Australia) and it made no difference at all. If the birds here can see it, they'll get to it, and that bird being isn't sufficient to keep it birds out. I found cheap tulle (tutu netting for dress making) to be the best solution! I bought white, so it completely allows in the Sun, but blocks the birds visuals AND the hours are so small as to disallow their beaks through. 👍👍

  3. Thanks! I certainly needed this video. Between the birds and the hot heat, I still have two plants left that are surviving. Going to try your idea. Hope it works for me!

  4. We only have four 2 x 3 raised beds (on legs), but they came with frames that fit on top to use the greenhouse covers included. Didn't need the greenhouse part right now but will be using the frames for shade cloth / bird netting when needed. Have strawberries in one, kale and beets in one, onions and garlic in one and lettuces in one. Our tomatoes, peppers and potatoes are in grow bags this year. Would like to have hubby and son build grow boxes like yours next year, but up on legs due to our age and health. Love all you and Mrs. LDS Prepper share. Thank you!

  5. I have painted triangle rock shapes to look like strawberries. When the fruit is green I put out the rocks and the birds peck at them grow board and move on so when the fruit ripens the birds don't bother them. At least it works for me.


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