Bioshock Analysis (Ep.2): No Gods Or Kings, Only Man | State Of The Arc Podcast

A plane falls from the sky. It is on fire. It hits the water and comes apart. There is only one survivor. Oddly enough, the plane happened to crash right at the site of an Atlantean civilization. A city underwater. We play from this point up until the medical area. It’s not too much, but there’s a lot to cover here. Don’t forget to like and comment on the video!

Time Codes:
1. Intro (0:00)
2. Plane Crash (1:28)
3. Entering Rapture (10:00)
4. Gameplay (38:45)

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43 thoughts on “Bioshock Analysis (Ep.2): No Gods Or Kings, Only Man | State Of The Arc Podcast”

  1. "Is it someone new?" That part creeps me out to this day, and I love how it's reused in Infinite.

    Oh by the way, Netflix is finally doing the Bioshock movie. I'd have loved to have seen Gore Verbinski's take but hey ho. There are a couple of film recommendations I have that have similar elements to the Bioshock games. They be; DARK CITY and SNOWPIERCER. Check them out!

  2. I feel like Atlas' justification for relying on Jack is pretty reasonable at first glance, isn't it implied that Atlas is trapped in a different part of Rapture and that because you just so happen to conveniently be in a position that is more capable of accessing where his family is trapped? At this point it comes off to me as pretty quid pro quo.

  3. One thing I would like to add is the fact that is really common in places where there is a lot touristic transit to charge for the toilets. One place that I saw in particular was a book story at the Vatican City where they charge 1 euro for it, so it's not far from reality that bathroom in Rapture.

  4. 18:53 one of my favorite rants of Mikes ever was on an episode of the podcast about this exact topic where he started thrashing persona 4 for taking like 4 hours to let you actually play the game lol.

    Edit: I found it. Go look at the final, Final Fantasy Tactics analysis video. Time stamp is 3:32:00 for the persona rant. It’s freaking gold.

  5. Great episode as always guys, I don't know what version you're playing but the remaster/rerelease there's a directors commentary and a museum on production all on the title screen. Ivenonly seen the museum but some more stuff to look at and see!

  6. My assumption about the opening being added late is that it was only the first few seconds where you see him actually sitting on the plane holding the present that was added with the game previously starting with him drowning in the ocean. This way nearly all of the now legendary opening was always there – the swimming, the lighthouse and the descent, just missing the few seconds before the crash. Starting with the drowning would be confusing but adding that tiny bit of context, the few seconds of peace helps to ground you in the character.

    Damn Casen, if you think that present was crudely wrapped then you really don't want to see some of the stuff I've wrapped over the years…

    I don't really find it weird that Atlas says he needs Jack's help to rescue his family. He explicitly says that he is cut off from them where he himself is, yes he had Johnny in the area but guess what, Johnny got gutted. If Jack hadn't come along then Johnny would probably not have been gutted and was Atlas' original plan (So far as we would know by this point).

    The sign next to the New Years one is for the masquerade ball that is the new years party hence the mask wearing splicers, when it all hit the fan at new years the masks founds new purpose.
    Pretty surprised that you read out the second audio diary, its not exactly relevant to the story of the game. Sure I said to make sure not to miss any but that was just to make sure you don't miss the ones that are relevant.

    BTW I recommend you guys watch the video 'Bioshock Critique: After The Shrug' by Monty Zander (though Casen would have to wait until he's finished the game first). A two hour Bioshock analysis video that came out last year, very well made. He's also done the next two games in the series as well as several others including Senua's sacrifice.

  7. Interesting that you guys brought up Heidegger there. In The Question Concerning Technology he writes that one of the consequences of technological progress is that technology dictates the way in which people see the world. For example, he writes how a watermill can change people's view of a river from something that has an essential function within an ecosystem, to a source for electricity. Because the technology and tools are there, people view parts of the world as possible resources to be exploited, exploited by using the same technology that guides these viewpoints.

    This is interesting when it comes to ADAM, because the discovery of ADAM, and the technology to draw it from the Little Sisters, allowed for these girls to not be viewed as children to be protected, but as ''genetic material that keeps the wheels of Rapture turning.'' Viewing the children through this technological lens twists their status in Rapture's society. To the Splicers and Atlas, they are degraded from actual people to a resource to be used.

    This might also apply to other things in the setting, but I don't wanna get into spoilers.

  8. Here in my country, there are several establishments that require you to pay in order to use the bathroom lol

    What's even more wild is that you see it frequently on gas stations. It's only for a few cents but still lol

  9. I know Casen's only making light of the fact that there are coin-ops at the public restrooms. But to say that it's the darkest implications of Capitalism is just barely beginning to scratch the surface.
    I know Casen isn't ignorant to the myriad contradictions that give form to horrors beyond imagination that lie within the scope of Capitalist market economies.
    Being forced to pay in order to pee is a slight inconvenience for those with money whilst those without must bear the harshest indignities.
    The musical theatre production 'Urine Town' is centered on this whole issue of charging broke people to use the public restrooms.

  10. hey i just met you / and this is rapture / would you kindly / save my family

    The goodbye is in Russian. Do Svidanya – "goodbye", or literally "until [we] meet again."

  11. Naive is the perfect word for andrew ryan. how did anyone ever thinnk this idea is gonna work? how do people down there not live in constant anxiety that the whole thing is gonna collapse? it's crazy

  12. For the end of the video dasvidaniya is Russian for good bye or farewell.
    Andrew Ryan says it in both English and Russian cause he doesn't know if you are working for the USSR or America and since this is 59, this is peak cold war especially with the Red Scare in America.

  13. Maybe I'm reading into this the wrong way, but I always thought that Rapture falling to shit from overuse of plasmids has something to say about (drug) addiction.

  14. Some have already mentioned it but when I visited Germany circa 2010 the 'Water Closest' (toilets) were pay to use. The sign said something about the cost being for cleaning though and they were cleanest bathrooms I've ever…well you know.

  15. I'm curious of how your view on The Rule of the Rose would be. A PS2 game of that era.
    Since you're fan of both silent hill 2 (with psychological themes) and bioshock (with sociological themes), if you haven't ever played it, I bet you'll definitely like it.

  16. When you were discussing about the first moments of life after being born being chaotic and being surrounded by things that wana kill you, I’m reminded of the beginning of the game The Eternal Cylinder. This game is very primordial and it’s very much steeped in the brutality of nature. Check it out sometime.

  17. Started playing it because of this podcast, man on a 49in 32:9 Ultrawide screen under 3ft away with a 5.1 surround sound system… This is one of the most immersive experience i've had from an FPS.
    Thank you, i had tried in the past but "something" else always came up and i dropped it, not this time

  18. A bit of feedback for you guys (not sure if someone has said this before): I know you've just gotten fancy microphones for better audio quality. But honestly, it's nicer to be able to see you guys' beautiful face up-front without all the metal stuff in the way. I also suspect it hampers the conversation a little without you realizing, because you aren't speaking naturally to each other, you're constantly having to lean in. Just my thoughts.


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