Bingo Brawlers Round 3 (Ainrun vs star0chris)

Bingo Brawlers is a league/tourney that is taking place on my twitch channel, putting top Elden Ring players against each other in …


20 thoughts on “Bingo Brawlers Round 3 (Ainrun vs star0chris)”

  1. the problem is
    if chris blocks all of ain's possible bingo lines
    suddenly ain can win by getting majority, even if chris still has bingo lines open
    so what happened to bingo > majority in all cases

  2. I think the best thing to do when someone marks a square incorrectly is this; If the Player who incorrectly marked the square does not immediately correct it (such as miss clicks) then that player can no longer claim that square. The other player will still have to complete the requirements to claim that square, but the player who made the mistake will never be able to claim it.

  3. Majority should only be allowed if both player are uncapable of a bingo. Because in this situation Ain has no choice but to block Chris. The rules are unfairly favoring one player not giving the other player a chance to recover. If bingo isn't majority in all cases then there is no reason to have the rule in the first place. The way this rule is currently setup is it does nothing more than open up the board to the player ahead and narrow the board for the player behind and at that point its no use for the player that is behind to continue because the chance of winning has now become so slim. Another thing the way this rule is setup it totally takes away from the excitement of the 2 players racing for the same squares, both Kazoodle and Domo commented on the excitement of such a situation but the way the rule is setup the winning player can just say I don't want to race you I just want to win so have fun doing that long square I'm gonna go do these easier squares and win.

  4. The bingo majority rule makes the most sense the way it is. Punishing a player for blocking the other player with still having to get a bingo doesn’t make sense. Don’t get why people complain about the majority rule

  5. Loving this competition! only thing I'd say is that 'gg' is maybe not ideal to use for when someone claims a square. Typically 'gg' indicates the end of a match when someone is the victor. Maybe consider 'well played' or 'point to ___' instead?

  6. If a square gets marked incorrectly, or at the wrong time, a judge has to force that player to unmark it, right? A five minute penalty to not mark that square again might help, as long as the opponent knows it is happening.

    As far as bingo > majority goes, chat was right to discuss it during the game because it was slightly different in round 1. At least, the way it was previously explained by Domo, it was different. Before, he said that once there are no bingos available then both players go for a majority. Spectators has to assume that meant when there are no bingos available for BOTH players, not for ONE player, as he said in this round.
    My guess is that Domo assumed everyone knew what he was talking about (players and spectators), and when both chat and the players spoke up, Dom got defensive. I probably would have gotten defensive as well. [Like come on people, what do you mean you don't get it?! It's straightforward in my head.]
    I think the reason we care so much is that the whole bingo league idea is so good that we don't want it to go away soon. Once we STOP arguing about rules is when the league starts getting stale. Keep it up Dom and Kazoodle!

  7. If think if something is marked incorrectly like this situation where the other person isn't actively going for it, the person who marked it should have a time penalty where they have to stand still for the amount of time it was marked +1 min

  8. people understand the rule fine – it's just that the rule is bad.
    ain can win by majority bc chris blocked HIM? why? isn't the whole point to make bingos trump majority?

  9. What we need to avoid mistakes from players is a checklist in every bingo square that requires several objectives.

    Like if the objective is kill X bosses in an area, everytime a player kills a boss, he clicks the square and it adds 1 to the count.

    You can only see your own progress on a square, not your opponent's.
    Casters like Domo can see both.
    The squares are automatically marked once the checklist is completed.

    But I guess this cost money to develop :/

  10. Got to clarify/change that majority rule. Bingo is the immediate win condition and majority is the tiebreaker.
    What happened in this match was perfectly fine. Ain couldn’t get bingo so majority was all chris needed.
    My problem is this senario. Chris blocks all lines, and ain wins by having 13 squares even though chris could still get Bingo. That makes no sense at all. Need to keep going until all Bingo lines are impossible. If someone gets bingo, they win

  11. The reason why it is very unintuitive and doesn't make sense in my opinion that both players can win by majority even though one can still get a bingo line is that when you say "bingo has priority over majority" you would think that "bingo has priority over majority" and not "bingo has priority over majority, except if one player can't achieve a bingo line anymore then both players can win by majority and we throw our prior rule out the window". Just doesn't rhyme that well.

    Edit: Another interesting problem that occurs is that if anyone watched the 2v2 Aggy & Parky vs. Chris & Domo lockout bingo when Aggy marked the 30 Int square he blocked all possible bingos for Chris & Domo theoretically making it possible for Chris & Domo to win by majority. By that same idea if Chris & Domo already had majority Aggy marking that square would lose them the game or if the 30 int square was to be completed after Remebrance boss bow only making Aggy & Parky win by having a Bingo while also blocking every possible Bingo for Chris & Domo making them win for having majority. Under the current rules both Teams would have won or lost.
    If anyone is interested in the video:

  12. The rule about bingo line and majority is to the detriment of the player in lead. Ideally, it should always have been bingo line trumps majority, so lets say ain got majority before chris, but chris still had a bingo line possible, it should be possible for chris to win by going for the bingo line , even after ain got majority. So the rule actually makes it worse for the person in lead. It should ideally be any player can go for majority, but bingo line still trumps majority.


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