Billionaire Who Drowned Was Intoxicated: Report

The sister-in-law of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, billionaire businesswoman Angela Chao, who lost her life after backing her Tesla into a pond, was nearly three times over the legal BAC, according to a report from the Blanco County Sheriff’s Office. Chao was attempting to make a three-point turn at her ranch when she reportedly put her car in reverse instead of drive. It sent the vehicle into a pond on her property.


25 thoughts on “Billionaire Who Drowned Was Intoxicated: Report”

  1. a couple days ago i watched the video that came out reporting her death right after it happened. didn't expect there would be a followup on this. so is there more to this? next time maybe they find out it wasn't a drunk driving accident it was actually elaborately planned by her rival to take her out so they could gain certain benefits from it?

  2. I greatly appreciate Ms Chao for sacrificing her life to send a clear and strong message of the stupidity of drinking and driving. Obviously her dedication to operating a vehicle without intoxication was highly important to her. Her courage and benevolence will never be forgotten. May she RIP.

  3. Alcohol – the equal opportunity destroyer. It doesn't care about your bank account. It just encourages your bad decisions. Very sorry for this victim and her loved ones. It didn't have to happen.

  4. Why put that she was a billionaire…she has a name. U dont ever post titles like average salary paid man died today due to cartiatic arrest not from being fully vaccinated


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