Are Ogre Tyrants Any Good in Patch 5.0? – Ogre Kingdoms Lord Unit Focus

Ogres, m’Lord! You asked, I delivered. I won’t say anything special about Tyrants in multiplayer scaling demo battles, but I was very impressed with their potential in campaign. Every Overtyrant needs a reliable boss to crack skulls and keep brutes in line!

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The Off to Battle unit focus format uses combat demonstrations from Skirmish vs. AI, background music and voice commentary, including:
– Intro
– Stat breakdown including hidden stats
– Common lord/ tech tree buffs applicable factionwide
– Tips, tricks, advice, maybe a secret or two!
– Bonus footage, playing out the battle once the voiceover is done so you can enjoy the sights and the music

Today’s BGM: Blanked by Odonis Odonis (YouTube Audio Library)

Total War Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires, Thrones of Decay DLC Patch 5.0!


25 thoughts on “Are Ogre Tyrants Any Good in Patch 5.0? – Ogre Kingdoms Lord Unit Focus”

  1. There's probably gonna be a unpopular thought process, but basically ogres are just Brittonia but thick.They basically played the same whether a heavy micro faction. They can be good but has very obvious weakness especially when it comes to missile fire.They definitely need some more tools.

  2. Ogre tyrants are very underrated, they can hit like a truck when kitted right. Even had my tyrant one time spank sikitch till he cried uncle and ran for it. Tyrants are like celestial general's, tanky damage dealers who can punch above their weight when you look after them.

  3. A few ogre specific notes here

    1. Tyrants might not be casters but Firebellies cannot be lords. This is a bigger downside for a race that can take good lores on lords.
    2. Combat spec'd tyrants are some of the scariest single entities in the game with items.
    3. Ogres are arguably the strongest late game faction with the camp rework. They aren't popular because they lack flavor "big names are lame, ogre traits suck, contracts are a joke".
    4. Goldtooth had a horrific start which has been buffed. Generally the ogres get invaded from all sides when controlled by the player making it a tedious campaign.

  4. Thank you for doing my request! 🙂
    Ogres are one of my favorites and i think they will get more poular when the next dlc drops and they got a proper rework. Then its their time to shine.

    I like the tyrant a lot, he can hit like a truck and for magic i take an buchter hero. So i got a good duelist, a butcher for magic and an hunter for infantry. Works good for me. 😀

  5. Ogres are garbage, and I hate them. I do, somewhat, enjoy killing them. But my problem with them isn't how they play being bad, no, it's more like how GW did them in the first place. They're like Orcs, but they eat, and are big, and fat, and run at things. But they're undeniably powerful in the game, even if their mechanics sometimes feel like unseasoned, wet noodles in terms of flavour. I mean, what? They've got a mercenary mechanic that is easy to ignore, so at best sometimes a bit of a bonus but not much. They've got a thing to just knock down walls immediately; why do they have Vaul's Anvil? They can also just eat through the walls, so… who cares? And I get that the army abilities thing was a big schtick for TWW3… but they're not Daemons. Why do they get that? The Camp thing's cool, but they can't move, which is kinda funny considering that they're supposed to be nomadic. The Big Names? Actually these are kinda neat.

    They're as brainless as they were on the Tabletop, literally just YOLO charging ahead, and that's an accomplishment. I mean, the Ogre Charge thing contributes to that. "But what would they do without it?" I dunno. Bretonnia is literally played as entire cavalry armies sometimes, and they manage. But fine. I also hate their flavour. I dunno. I just really don't like Ogres…

    But the Tyrant is great as a Lord. No denying that.

  6. Ich fühle mich durch den momentanen Verlauf meiner Existenz dazu verleitet, meinen physischen Zustand durch massiven Zufluss von Fressen in meinen Schlund dem, des Ogertyrannen anzugleichen.

  7. I never liked tyrants; butcher lords giving replenishment and 10%+ research for a race that fucking craves to get down the tech tree as fast as possible. But with this, I might get some tyrants next time. Cheers!

  8. Even without a lot of yellowline buffs, the Tyrant is an extrememly solid infantry masher that can present a daunting opponent for duelists due to the fact that he's large sized as opposed to man sized.

    Definitley on the "good" end of the scale.

  9. Ogre tyrants are one of the Ogre Kingdom’s best answers to small singe entities. They hit like a semi truck and they’ve got the hp to tank an ungodly amount of damage.

    Just keep them away from missile units so they don’t get focus-fired and you’re golden. They also have a hard time chewing through tons of chaff so keep a hunter on a stonehorn near them if they become too much of a nuisance.

  10. Generic Lords are always my favourite units of their respective factions and Ogre Tyrants are no exception. Why? Because they're the purest representation of their respective races at their peak. Legendary Lords are all super-special awesome to the point where they often go beyond their races. Take Ogres as example, you have a grossly obese parody of an ogre and a freak with a cauldron tied to his waist and blade hands…both have their appeals but they go so far off that they don't represent their race anymore. In contrast, playing a generic Ogre Tyrant or Slaughtermaster lets you see and experience what a more typical Ogre general plays and feels like.

    Wood Elves have it the worst. You're either a literal demi-god, a legendary elder tree with a magic sword, insane genocide tree lady, or magical immortal twins because of special magic…not one of them are an example of a generic yet capable Wood Elf general. This is in part why I think some people like Tretch as he's very much just any other Skaven general if a bit luckier than usual.

    And as a bonus, they don't always use some long drawn out sync-kill animation that looks sick af the first few times you see it…but kinda silly when you see them spam it over and over again.

    TL;DR – Generic Lords are da best.

  11. Looking forward to the Oger dlc, hopefully they get some more variability in the roster and rework some of the melee units that basicly fit the same niche (namely Ogerbulls with various weapons and maneaters). maybe it´s just me but especially on the Ogerbulls I can´t tell which I like the most because they all perform quite the same. So I mostly just recruit the basic ones because they are the cheapest.

  12. Ogre Kingdom main here! Absoutley love the tyrant, and for good reason! As your brought up, they get +5 recruit ranks from their unique skill and blue line. Combined with the fact that the maneater recruitment building increases local recruit rank by up to plus 3, and that ogre's have ancillaries for both gnoblars and leadbelchers that increase their recruit rank by plus 4 for the gnoblars and plus 3 for the leadbelchers, and you can easily be recruiting units at max rank. And the sacking? 15% from blue line, 25% from tech, 25% from a big name, 12% from sacking trait, and another 10% from the tyrants sacking unique skill. An 87% sack bonus is nothing to cough at.

    Sacking is one of the cornerstones of the Ogre Economy, and will help you make the big bucks. 50 grand for sacking a settlment? Yes please!

  13. Small chuckle that I didn't edit out "Test" at the start like I always do. If you're wondering, noise cancellation software has a tendency to eat words if you don't do something like that. That was with the Blue Snowball though. Maybe it's not going to give me as much trouble now. Also yeah, I was using the new foam filter…

  14. Very versatile, effective generic lord. It has a great combination of power, speed and toughness that is hard to find in a non-legendary Lord. It can hold its own in Lord/SEM duels or infantry blob fights. He is a giant, self-healing ball of destruction that boosts his army's leadership and lowers enemies' morale. Did I mention that this is a baseline/multiplayer version, without all the campaign buffs that put him in a stratosphere. I vote for this guy being a top 3 non- legendary Lord in the game.


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