BIGFOOT'S FAMILY HIDDEN IN CALIFORNIA | The Proof Is Out There (Season 2) | Exclusive

Ron Morehead describes his experience with a whole family of Bigfoots in California, in this bonus clip from Season 2, “Sasquatch Sounds & Undersea Alien.”

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The Proof Is Out There investigates the world’s most mysterious videos, photos, and audio recordings, and uses the best technology and experts to render a credible verdict. Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including giant beasts, UFOS, apocalyptic sounds, hairy humans, alleged mutants from the deep, conspiracies, and many other cases. Host and veteran journalist Tony Harris takes nothing for granted in a quest for answers, tracking down eyewitnesses, putting each photo or film through a battery of tests, calling out the hoaxes, and highlighting the most credible evidence in an attempt to better understand our world.

The HISTORY Channel® is the leading destination for award-winning original series and specials that connect viewers with history in an informative, immersive, and entertaining manner across all platforms. The network’s all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming.


39 thoughts on “BIGFOOT'S FAMILY HIDDEN IN CALIFORNIA | The Proof Is Out There (Season 2) | Exclusive”

  1. Bigfoot does not exist. Neither does the yeti or abominable snowman, nor
    Ghosts, Aliens, Lochness monsters, Santa clause, Tooth fairy or gods. That’s my belief.

  2. YOU PEOPLE ALL NEED YOUR HEADS EXAMINED! An animal that large would be leaving LARGE clear footprints that would lead you right to it. It would be leaving dead carcasses and droppings all over the place to maintain its huge body weight. Not to mention that NO ONE has ever found any dead ones… Do they also live forever? The fact that this is even still a story says a lot.

  3. Leave these ones alone, they don't go looking at you in your yard do they? well some may..they can smell you from far away, and disappear if they have too..They are keepers of the forests..and their home stay away!

  4. It's weird how bigfoot and UFO and ghost sightings were fairly common all the way up until everyone started carrying high definition video cameras in their pockets. Now we can't seem to get more than sound recordings. Weird how that works…

  5. lol there is no bigfoot. there needs to be a breeding population for such an animal to exist. And that means an animal that big would be spotted with trail cams and high res cameras. Since that has never happened there is no chance for it to exist. it is silly for people to think such.

  6. I do not believe there is an actual bigfoot out there, not at all.

    But…. For my whole life I absolutely loved listening to stories and watching videos on cryptids, and they all dont have to be real, they just tell good stories.

  7. There are not bigfoots. There would have to be a population of hundreds/thousands just like with every other animal. Decade after decade go by and still no animal in the age of trail cameras and HD phones and cameras everywhere. It would be easy to prove me wrong. You just need one.

  8. HA what proof when a big foot gets hit by a vehicle or semi I’ll say I was wrong but everything gets hit from chipmunks to moose / black bears also Bigfoot is not real just a money maker for people that are taking advantage of the stupid ones

  9. I have had several paranormal experiences in my life, sometimes it was when i was alone other times i had one or more people who also witnessed the activity. Ive been 15 feet from a UFO while driving with my boyfriend, we had to turn the car around because we didn't want to drive under it. By far the most terrifying experience ive ever had. i was levitated to the ceiling 2x as a kid. I had one girl staying with me and she was outside with my dog having a cigg, my dog starts barking wildly, she literally runs back in the house in TEARS saying she saw "a man at the end of my driveway turn into a bear and run away"… I wouldn't doubt anyone who was genuine about an experience, its shocking and traumatizing when you have these encounters. And when people dont believe you it can make a devastating situation that much harder. Theres a difference between mental illness and having dishes fly out of your cabinet and levitate infront of your dinner guest (true story) spend a couple weeks at my house you'll come a skeptic like my friend who saw the shapeshifter and leave mortified with a whole new understanding of primal fear


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