Overwatch 2 Beta Analysis as of July #IHateOverwatch

Got the key, now listen to my ramblings on how overwatch 2’s current state.
Oh and #IHateOverwatch. TF2 is better 🙂



4 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 Beta Analysis as of July #IHateOverwatch”

  1. I for one dont mind the overall vulnerability that one tank gives you. Overwatch 1 had too many "get out of jail free" cards that were made even easier to use because they could hide behind their teams. An example would be genji dash, I can press shift on my keyboard and effectively cancel any damage done to me if I go away from everyone else. This does not help me learn game sense. With more punishing consequences players are now forced to use their brains as opposed to their keyboards, and are punished more often for poor decision making


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