Bigfoot According to the Iroquois, Algonquin, and Plateau Tribes

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A common refrain from the “bigfooter” community is the argument that many, if not all, Native American cultures have stories about a big, hairy ape man who roams the forest. Critics will often say that these legends were made up to mess with settlers, make some money for the tribe, or simply never existed in the first place.

The critics are wrong. From Alaska to Florida, the indigenous peoples of America held a firm belief that *something* was out there in the woods. Sometimes it’s a solitary creature, more of an entity than an animal. In other cases, it’s a separate tribe, race, or even species from their own. Documentary accounts of these “bigfoot” type creatures arguably go back to the very earliest days of American settlement, and the oral traditions go deep into prehistory. Could these stories bear any sort of truth? Welcome back to The Lore Lodge…

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0:00 – Cold Open
0:22 – Introduction
9:31 – The Peopling of North America
12:40 – The Algonquin “Bigfoot”
25:44 – The Iroquois “Bigfoot”
38:50 – The Muskogean “Bigfoot”
43:06 – The Plateau “Bigfoot”
49:57 – Surprise
50:43 – Conclusion


45 thoughts on “Bigfoot According to the Iroquois, Algonquin, and Plateau Tribes”

  1. I would love to know how bigfoots are described as "great apes"… LIke did they describe their physical characteristics and the reporter went "Ahhh yes sounds like an Ape" or did they compare them Bigfoot to Apes? Did American Natives even know what Apes were or looked like?

  2. @ 2:00 the idea of bigfoot being an actual modern man gone wild gaining archaic attributes is what my theory of bigfoot is. Domestic pigs will begin to look physically different after 2 generations in the wild. Perhaps this is a great secret to today's civilization, yet was known in the past how wild men become wild men.

  3. The claimed Klamath word for bigfoot sounds suspiciously similar to a Nepalese Sherpa term for the yeti, Metoh (Meh-teh) Kang-mi, as stated in 1921 by Charles Howard-Bury. The name translates to man-bear snowman and was mistranslated by Howard-Bury as the filthy or foul smelling snow man. The press then changed it to the now famous Abominable Snowman. This in fact might be where the word came from.

  4. My knowledge of native Americans comes from my grandfather who was half Cherokee and my dad who was one quarter Cherokee. On top of that I'm from Arizona and so I'm surrounded by native nations and have grown up with quite original of the different cultures.

  5. Portlock isn't a squatch. Nor is it a wendigo, it's something else. My boss replaced the bear guard on AK killer Bigfoot when he had to take off for the last two or 3 episodes. I grew up on Portlock St. in Kenai, AK and was always fascinated with the legends associated with the actual place. It's not a Bigfoot, not one like any of my wife's peoples stories anyhow.

  6. Reminds me of the story of Devil's Island. A true story. Some prisoners escaped but had no food. So, as one died they ate him. Fast forward. The survivors were recaptured. Two men, one who had previously escaped, got away. The guy who had previously escaped, although not starving, killed and ate his companion. A short time later he was captured. When asked why he ate his pal, he said he got a taste for human flesh. This time, he was executed.

  7. I’m gonna have to subscribe to patreon cuz. i need native folklore for my story’s lore. it’s be disrespectful to not get accurate mythology for the native tribe in my story which is specifically gonna be Navajo related so to location.

  8. Once again a fantastic video!
    Virtual handshake from an avid watcher from England.
    I find all American history fascinating and found your channel by chance and been soaking up all your videos.
    It is fascinating leaning about all the brilliant stories (and sad ones about the missing people) in your vast and beautiful country.
    We don’t get many stories in England as it’s so small, unless you count next doors cat going feral and being mistaken for a 18ft giant lion for two weeks then everyone realising their mistake when it staggers back home.

    Great videos, will catch all of them!

  9. I lived in rural west salem oregon in 2013. My house was up next to a forest. One night around 11pm i was sitting on my porch and all of the sudden what sounded like was huge branch or tree was broke off and then nastiest, deepest growl ive ever heard was directed my way 25ft from the forest. I was stunned..I thought i was imagining it..and then it did the growl again. A bear, mountain lion, dog or human was not capable of this sound. I was so terrified that i went inside and didnt even try to look out the window. I was the biggest skeptic until that moment. From what i gather in my own research from others experiences is that it was a sasquatch trying to intimidate me. It was a truly unbelievable experience to me. No one ever believes in sasquatch until it happens to them. I wish people had more of an open mind to the existence this creature. Truly terrifying though.

  10. My son is over 7 feet tall….
    Hes 350 lbs and has a size 18-21 foot – triple wide….
    When we go camping he likes to swim early, before everyone wakes up…
    The kids always assume big foot was there…😂


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