BIG NEWS! Impeachment Process Has Begun For New Mexico's Tyrant Governor!

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32 thoughts on “BIG NEWS! Impeachment Process Has Begun For New Mexico's Tyrant Governor!”

  1. Sonoran Desert Institute:

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  2. The shit stains a tyrant most Dems are no doubt but if there no majority of rep and not enough votes to get it done it's going to be a giant waste of time even when it does set the stage for other tyrants in dem states there's no such thing as accountability in this country anymore since either side will always stand for there own it's not like it was back in the day when people in America or our elected knew from right and wrong its nothing but stalemates now so accountability died when the parties became so partisan that nothing else matters whats funny is Republicans better see the writing there gonna go extinct tring to be the good guys when they had power they stayed moral well morality is dead in politics everything uou wouldnt do to the dems the dems said nope were doing it just to cement power from here on out like trying to change statehoods and packing courts keep thinking the way you do and your gone or juat stop fighting your gonna lose anyway this country is a shit hole its over anyways while we fight among mentally ill twats and destroy our country the only country where the dumb twats use there rights to fight over stupid as politically correct social shit that destroys us and other countries that just fight to survive and build their country and make sure there self sufficient they'll have the last laugh out time is up even if it's not in our life times the USA will die that's a fact in the next 50 to 70 years you can bet on that you can't have a population of 330 million hand half of them be so god damn delusional and mentally ill hell the new trend is just that if your not mentally ill or a victim you better pick one to get with the times lmao what a joke we are

  3. IF gun control was a problem with ALL the LEGAL gun owners, These people would know it don’t you think?? I wish someone would do this to the bucktooth horse faced tyrant in NY…

  4. I live in New Mexico and am a retired firearms instructor. Jay and Stefanie are a handful of republicans in the legislature. They are token republicans who can do nothing. The entire legislature is corrupt. I have sat through numerous legislative sessions. The legislature itself attempted to pass numerous antigun laws clearly violating the 2nd Amendment and Article II section 6 of the New Mexico Constitution. They passed laws promoting the mutilation of children with sex change operations. They passed laws making it criminal to question their rigged criminal elections. The elections are rigged in this state. WE have evidence completely beyond a reasonable doubt that they are. Mexican drug cartels and globalists like the Soros group have captured (bribery, blackmail, extortion) or placed individuals who are simply criminal imposters. They have no authority to do anything. The elections are "FAKE" Get it. Unfortunately, any of the protective organizations/branches have been subverted as well. MLG has committed so many heinous level crimes that her attack on gun rights pales. Murdering thousands of New Mexican with poisonous vaccines, In the future thousands of young people will be sterile, destroying 40 percent of the small business in the state. Schools are a complete failure with less than a 50 percent graduation rate. These are homes to molesting children with sex change operations, queer ideology, and not learning the life skills they need. 18 million in campaign finance fraud, 200 million in securities fraud a wide open border. This B"tch is a compete traitor to American and the State of New Mexico.

  5. Continued weaponization of political power is what is occurring over and over again in this current national and world scene. The Great Reset is in and only getting worse. Gun control has to work for the elites to Lord themselves over and push their will on us. Dismantling the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment are the necessary parts of the Great Reset. Democrats and many Republicans have bought into the globalist thinking and don't want American flag waving, Christians, Jews, Muslims or any other belief interfering with their agenda. The New Mexico Governor is an elitist and authoritarian official.

  6. The real concern is whether the NM legislature will vote on the issue of the governor violating her oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the US as well as the NM state constitution or along party lines to protect an incumbent Dem governor. If politicians, in this case Dems, refuse to vote on issues but to protect members of their party regardless of wrongdoing, I believe the foundation of rep. gov. is broken and the country becomes ungovernable and closed to the will of the People/voters. We are little more than what CCP China is today. Maybe worse. Very sad.

  7. The tyrant says that the bill of rights is not absolute, to whoever told her/him that the bill of rights is not absolute guess what yes it is the bill of rights and constitution are above all law, side by side to the Bible.

  8. Oh, yes, give me more of those "commonsense" gun restrictions. The hell with the Constitution, that every one of the weasels swore an oath to protect and defend. The time is fast approaching for more kinetic solutions to these cowards and tyrants. Our forefathers showed us how. Are the few freedom-loving Americans going to show the same bravery? Oh, I almost forgot about that Liberty Tree requiring "watering" from time to time.

  9. We need to send a message that “defending the constitution” is not just words. If you intentionally circumvent or ignore our constitution you must go immediately to jail. There has to be consequences, else this shit will go on forever.

  10. If California is any thing to go off of, they're just going to elect the same darn one again and we'll be back where we started from… This being said, I hope to God they don't take a play out of Gun Grabbing Gavster's playbook…

  11. Nothing has been done, she's still governor and still doing her bullshit. It's the same with all the court decisions. One judge rules a law or regulation is unconstitutional, then another court overturns that decision. All the while, these unconstitutional laws and regulations continue to exist and be enforced and no one is held accountable. We all see it here on YouTube. YouTuber makes a video, big win, atf is done, etc. Then a flip flop, we lost, bad news, atf wins, etc. It's all bullshit. And don't forget all the fear porn and clickbait thrown at us by guntubers. Exercise your rights, fuck the government.

  12. I think she should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, she was voted into office to look out for the safety & well being of the people of new mexico but instead she tried to make them vulnerable to crime (intentionaly i think) had the people followed this blindly they would have made themselves vulnerable as well.


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