Biden Shows Alarming Drop In Support

President Joe Biden’s support keeps dropping, meanwhile RFK Jr. (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) has reached stunning levels.


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Sources: (CNN poll shows 35% of Americans expressing a favorable view of President Biden, h/t Recount) (Democrats to urge Biden to use 14th amendment powers, The Guardian)


28 thoughts on “Biden Shows Alarming Drop In Support”

  1. i just want a real democratic primary without the democrats colluding to manipulate the vote against who the people actually want. Where is the Buttigieg, Klobuchar, im not even saying Bernie etc.. i honestly feel that the world has changed and the sitting president is no longer favored just for being the current president, please let us choose between the best of everyone again to give us the best chance to win ie make the best decision!

  2. I guess one could point to specific policies, but for me anyway, it simply boils down to Biden not being willing to fight for things, anything, even things he says he values.

    And as for "restoring the soul of America"? Yeah, I guess sucking up to monied interests is tradition here. But most of us were hoping for — and desperately need — better.

  3. RFK Jr is not antivax. All his kids have been vaccinated and his voice got damaged from a flu vaccine. RFK Jr will not stop or do away with vaccines. All RFK Jr will do is make vaccines safe. Who would not want safe vaccines?

  4. You are pretty cringe going after RFK.. The RFK that handed Monsanto a landmark lawsuit that paved the way for 13 billion to be put aside for future claims… People that are dying from Round Up exposure. You know Monsanto, the bio weapons division of the MIC? They just happen to grow your corn…

  5. Yeah I don’t like that he’s working with these republicans because they have shown that they are not serious people and they think that taking our economy hostage was OK. Don’t make deals with people like that….

  6. Biden is actually in a spot. Sitting president that popular within thrir own party tend to lose reelected bids. The independents get nervous. Popular president have the best chance to become president for life.
    So being slightly disliked within your party is a good thing. It's also a sign the president doesn't just pander to their base. Which is not the independent.

  7. It’s nauseating. Like being thrown around on a roller coaster after you’ve puked all over yourself and the ride is over but sent on another round, as you scream at the operator to stop. That’s this feeling.

  8. Robert kennedy is not anti vax he simply believes that vaccines should go through more rigorous testing before being used publicly. Get your facts straight.

  9. Polls mean nothing. Biden will still eek out a win over fascist opponents. Why is David pretending polls matter to voters? Polls had Trump beating Biden. Polls had Hillary winning the election.

  10. It boils down to the fact that these old white poiticians believe they are entitled. to their offices. Anybody with even a tiny bit of humility would look at these numbers and just bow out! Time to GO Joe!!

  11. Yeah, I think most of us have had our suspicions confirmed at this point that Biden wants conservatives to get what they want and is absolutely anti-Left. The only reason he left the Republicans in the first place is because they were so openly racist back during the Civil Rights era when he was a young Republican staffer. And, like, not being racist is just the absolute floor of acceptable politics, I feel like.


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