Biden addresses Ukraine war from Poland – 2/21 (FULL LIVE STREAM)

Join Post reporters as President Biden delivers remarks in Poland to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia invading Ukraine. Biden is expected to reaffirm U.S. support for Ukraine, as the war continues into its second year. The conflict has left hundreds of thousands of people dead and displaced millions more. Although Biden has pledged continuing support for Ukraine, his administration has warned Kyiv that growing Republican opposition could jeopardize future aid.

During his trip, Biden will also meet with Polish President Andrzej Duda and NATO leaders from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia. Known as the Bucharest Nine, the group has pushed for NATO to take a stronger military stance against Russia.

Libby Casey will anchor live coverage, along with James Hohmann, in The Washington Post’s newsroom. Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

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47 thoughts on “Biden addresses Ukraine war from Poland – 2/21 (FULL LIVE STREAM)”

  1. Należy zrobić wszystko aby zakończyć jak najszybciej działania wojenne. "Nihdy więcej wojny" to coś więcej niż slogan . To ciężki rok dla wszystkich ale musimy pamiętać- że wojna w tej części Świata rozpoczeła się dużo wcześniej . Łzy matek są jednakowo słone , a ból po stracie kogoś bliskiego w bezsensownej wojnie tak samo straszny . Tamta ziemia od pokoleń nasiąknięta jest krwią niewinnych ludzi – tych co gineli z głodu , tych co ginęli z rozkazu bestii, – rządnych krwii niewinnych ludzi . Już wystarczy 🙏

  2. I have to make my comment here, I'm left with no other choice. The lunatics, aided , and pay for, by super powerful people control my phone, and just drive by in their impressive work vehicles and gassed the house. , The owner has made a cozy place under the house to harvest Terrorism. it's a very old place, nothing has been done to it. ( It might be built with small compartments ) All the areas where electrical appliances were installed, the laundry room, the heater, by the restroom, including the attic… practically around the house, they have made holes to introduced the poisonous gases. There's a court case coming up, they expect me to not be able to put a sentence together. ( The satellite should be able to catch this criminals coming in, and coming out.

  3. The great disdain Putin, and the Far right have for Biden is, because he has stopped the lynching of gay people. Not to long ago,there was a massacre of LGBTQ. Who do we think we are? We prefer Putin, massacring innocent people than support President Biden on human dignity. Is there any dignity in invading a nation, killing woman, children, and kidnapping the innocent? Putin spoke about values, what values? The value of Terror, and taking life at will. ( It's a Hypocritical World. We don't fallow the Bible, we fallow our prejudice. ( The Big Book has made it clear, what real values are, we have chosen to ignored them. Needless to go in to details, the Far right is set not on the Word of God, but in their own understanding…

  4. The Ukrainian people curse you and all your democracy. Everything you say is just fake. I speak as a native Ukrainian.

    It is a pity that many do not know what is really happening in our country and what the West has done to unleash this war.

  5. He needs to stay there and be the President of the Ukrain they are both crooks and he has done nothing but let down the American public ! People have to do something I don’t want to give Ukrain any more money!

  6. Why does the United States involve itself in a war in which it has no interest, not even a member of NATO, such as Russia's war with Ukraine?? And this war is far from it and does not concern it or the American people in anything?!
    Isn't it enough that America has inserted itself into all the problems of the world, and there is no war in the East or the West without participating in it, whether by supplying and supplying weapons or by direct participation by paying its soldiers and forcing them to enter these wars?! What are the gains achieved by the US administration in wars such as Afghanistan, Iraq and others?
    And now its direct or indirect interference with the conflict of Russia and Ukraine, and who knows, perhaps in the future its conflict with China!! Isn't it enough what America lost in terms of casualties, the soldiers who participated in these battles?
    And why does President Biden's administration insist on continuous interference in the affairs of other countries?
    Isn't it better for the United States to seek to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine and stop the bloodshed?

  7. Don't be deceived, the question is not whether Ukraine can win but whether America can win against Russia (with whom prophecy says is the future) & whether Biden can retain his seat , which looks very doubtful, as he seems very nervous inside,

  8. The failed policy of Ukraine/Russia War which it was implemented by Antony Blinken was a wake up call for Europe . In a short term it will help U.S but , it will have long term negative effects on U.S/Europe political unity . This is why Bliken trying save reputation by playing several positions , from politician , to war room general and finally marketing this war

  9. Very dramatic victory-speech, Mr. President. Nice Hollywood touch with the patriotic-music and fog-machine.

    You should have borrowed your buddy Bush's banner: "MISSION-ACCOMPLISHED"

    Don't remember him? Let me refresh your memory——->

    When you were Chairman of Senate-Foreign-Relations Committee, you helped him stage dramatic (but fake) testimonies from "witnesses" who "testified" about Saddam-Hussein's "WMD".

    Have you also forgotten that over one million Iraqi civilians suffered casualties, due to our bombs and sanctions.

    Let's hope we won't reach that amount of civilian casualties in Ukraine. . .

    You'll agree with me that's the kind of "MISSION" we don't want to "ACCOMPLISH".

    Unless, that is, you are in lock-step with your other crazy friend (Senator Lindsey Graham from North Carolina) who said the secret part out loud —————->

    "We will keep supplying Ukraine with American weapons, so long as Kiev keeps supplying this proxy-war with bodies to send to the front-lines."

  10. I love this video at large❤❤,. you remind me of what someone once said.. " Making money is an Action, keeping money is behavior, Growing money is Knowledge" . I once attended seminar and ever since then i been waxing strong financially, and i most tell you the truth….

  11. List of countries that bombed/attacked the USA after World War II:
    Korea and China (1950-53)
    Guatemala (1954)
    Indonesia (1958)
    Cuba (1959-61)
    Guatemala (1960)
    Congo (1964)
    Laos (1964-73)
    Vietnam (1961-73)
    Cambodia (1969-70)
    Guatemala (1967-69)
    Grenada (1983)
    Lebanon (1983,1984)
    Libya (1986)
    El Salvador (1980s)
    Nicaragua (1980s)
    Iran (1987)
    Panama (1989)
    Iraq (1991)
    Kuwait (1991)
    Somalia (1993)
    Bosnia (1994, 1995)
    Sudan (1998)
    Afghanistan (1998)
    Yugoslavia (1999)
    Yemen (2002)
    Iraq (1991-2003)
    Iraq (2003-2015)
    Afghanistan (2001-2015)
    Pakistan (2007-2015)
    Somalia (2007, 2008, 2011)
    Yemen (2009, 2011)
    Libya (2011, 2015)
    Syria (2014-2015)vbh

  12. Dear Zelensky, USA/NATO gave best weapons and special forces to Pakistan like you but India won. 🇮🇳dia❤❤🇷🇺ssia, Russia fought for India in year 1971 war with NATO/Pakistan. American gave best weapons to Pakistan but India won.

  13. Biden, like the dictator and fascist Hitler, also at one time traveled to occupied countries and spoke about democracy. Then he walked over the Ukrainian flag with his shoes. A jester and impotent.

  14. Biden also address the European Union and Poland of the concentration camps that are outside called the concentration camp called Auschwitz what did genocide of the Jewish race women and children were murdered by the European Union of Eva Hitler's 1940s and of course to bring up and mention the ukrainians Nazis and the national leaders of one and a half million Women and Children of the Jewish race the concentration camps mr. Biden or outside Warsaw where the crimes of the European Union were committed Ukrainian Nazi government

  15. 🤡🎈👽🤑🤑🤑🤑 Afghanistan Vietnam Vietnam Afghanistan Ukraine is the most corrupt country government president According to the Centre for Research on Globalisation, much of the $53.7 billion that the United States plans to give Ukraine will be stolen in corruption schemes orchestrated by Ukraine’s military, oligarchs, and government officials.

    On a side note, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s net worth is about $30 million. He and his inner circle also have their own network of offshore companies. These have in the past been used to buy expensive properties in London. The documents also show that just before he was elected, he gifted his stake in a key offshore company, the British Virgin Islands-registered Maltex Multicapital Corp., to his business partner, who would go on to be appointed as Zelenksy’s top presidential aide.


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