Biblical Anthropology Panel | Tom Ascol, Voddie Baucham, Bradley Pierce, Paul Washer, Joel Beeke

If we don’t understand who we are in creation, then we will be inevitably hindered from understanding who God is and how we are to live in His world.

This panel was held with Tom Ascol, Voddie Baucham, Bradley Pierce, Paul Washer and Joel Beeke on January 20, 2023 at the Founders “What Is Man? Biblical Anthropology” national conference in Southwest Florida.

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20 thoughts on “Biblical Anthropology Panel | Tom Ascol, Voddie Baucham, Bradley Pierce, Paul Washer, Joel Beeke”

  1. Listening to one of the speakers out of the gate, as I was not watching the video, and I hear a supposed Christian minister obsessed with God's judgement of sin, do looking and no surprise it is Paul Washer; one who speaks as though the New Testament and the Atonement are not finished works, and that God hasn't already demonstrated his abundant love for humanity (the Abba or fatherly type of affectionate love) for all individuals of mankind, though the Advent and sacrifice of His Son.

  2. I praise God in Jesus holy and precious name for these men and all his children that keep the words of our savior. Leading others to the truth of Christ Jesus, according to the scriptures. God bless you all. Amen 🙏

  3. Brothers please pray for me I know I’m Saved and I’m thankful that I am I was hoping begging that whoever see this message can pray for me lately I’ve be committing sexual sin and I’m bless that the Holy Spirit continue to convict me for my disgusting behavior, I know that God created the institution of marriage for this exact reason and I guess what I’m asking is please pray for me to stop watching adult videos and masturbation and I’m hoping to find a godly wife who can help me maintain and continue to grow in my relationships with God thanks for whoever sees this God bless

  4. 28:15
    I'm so glad Voddie used that phrase "those of us that get to do this work." I had an old school friend who I grew up with who is now serving as a minister in a church, and I kept thinking to myself "I hope you realise just how blessed you are to have your daily work revolving around a careful study of scripture." In my daily work as a tradesman I just don't have that time, but I am so glad that those that do find it to be a privilege and a joy

  5. The statement that playing a guitar "wildly" is sin is so ABSURD smh
    And I'm a guitar playing, God praising Christian. What or who defines "wildly"???
    The Bible tells us to sing a new song unto the LORD and to play the harp and other stringed instruments skillfully but it makes no mention of the forbidden time signatures or beats per minutes. 🤣

  6. Josh, are saying I can’t isolate myself with Bible, say my KJV, and get the right theology? I have the Holy Spirit so why do I need tradition? Can’t I just read the Bible and find the Trinity, free grace, The hypostatic union without any help?
    I’m just helping all the biblicist out so they need not comment.

  7. I praise God for Paul Washer's consistency. He makes sure he is not caught up in the us vs them and even though those who have the truth seems to be going more militant on the cultural wars and such He is quick to remind us that we are no better apart from the grace of God and no matter whats happening in the world, all people are image bearers and need to be treated as such.

  8. 1. "Let us make man according to our image and likeness and let them have authority….":

    That would be….Christlikeness! For Christ is the exact image of the invisible God.

    2. Mankind fell. The image and likeness of God in man got lost. That's the mess this world is in.


    3. As Christ, God returns the divine life of the ages back to you-manity. For free, because of love, purpose, destiny. "I have come to give YOU Zoë (divine) life in abundance. It pleases the Father to give YOU the Kingdom. Freely I give you My Kingdom. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, freely i give, freely share. I WILL send Holy Soirit, He WILL be IN you, guide you into truth and give you explosive power. You will understand that the Father is in Me and I am in you."

    "Those that receive this abundance of grace, this free gift of righteousness will walk in Zoë/divine life". How do we receive? We are mesmerized by what we see and welcome Holy Spirit to change us in to Christlikeness.

    The Gospel: a restoration of a man/woman, back to the image of God. Changed by His very own Spirit working in you. Changing you from the inside out. An outpouring from within you.

    So wherever you are at in your life, you have great purpose in life. Walking in the same divine unselfish love and glory/power as Christ. Growing in to Him in all things.

    Key-understanding: Christ represents all of humanity. So, you too!! In Him you already are completed! Co-cruisified, co-raised, co-seated, transferred, made perfect. You start where He finished: "You and I are one. He who meets you meets Me. The Father is in Me and I am in you".

    What a God, what a love. He came full circle.

    Let's love on someone today.


  9. Let's say God sends that great awakening, there's still gonna be some or most people will not recognize that it's God they'll just say it's mother nature. Or man trying to control the climate, we just have to recognize God when he's speaking to us through man or using man to bless us.


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