Bible Secrets Revealed: The Real Jesus (S1, E4) | Full Episode

For billions of people around the world he is known as “The Son of God” — the Messiah — whose teachings have inspired one of the most powerful and influential religions in the world. See more in Season 1, Episode 4, “The Real Jesus.”


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49 thoughts on “Bible Secrets Revealed: The Real Jesus (S1, E4) | Full Episode”

  1. This is insane They have the white god Oden with his hands out that just got struck by lightning by the black Jesus disagreeing with his skin color saying it's not me take Oden down before the whole statue be demolished

  2. Jesus and John were likely best friends. They were cousins and grew up together essentially, from what the Bible says. It is not explicit on them being best friends, but it seems to be implied.

  3. Like usual I hope people really dig into what is being said because they're very vague and not as truthful as you may think. For example the woman that was brought to him saying they've caught her in the act of adultery the reason he did what he did was because they didn't bring her up as what the law of Moses requires. Her husband wasn't there and wasn't accusing her of this horrible act which is one of the many requirements for judgement. Like many times these religious leaders tried to trick him into doing things opposite of what the bible lays out and Jesus knew every time they tried. Also Jesus wasn't a priest or part of the tribe of Levi. He gets his priesthood after death through the melchizedek priesthood which is what it was before God changing it to a bloodline priesthood.

  4. First and foremost the only ones who really new Christ were his mother,father disciples they walked with him they daw miracles the reason nobody comes back from during no trust no faith,if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains you will do all things thru Christ that strengthens us all things praise to the father son and holy spirit

  5. In my opinion, @BibleSecretsRevealed, the biggest Secret of the Bible is the fact that intermingled within Jewish history is the prediction of the world's ending Scenario with five percent of the "actually called out of the world" Church, half of the 144,000 Actual Jews and Branch making it through alive and the other half becoming Revelation 20:4s "Dead In Christ." Some examples are as follows.

    Since Deuteronomy 18:15&18s announces a Prophetic like Moses, the Branch (I believe he's Elijah and Isaiah 63s Edomite) has to come. He, as Jesus said, shall restore all things and said would be in the earth 3 days and nights like Jonah. What causes it is he destroys the USA, Dan 2:45s feet (Rev. 17:15s waters) will be broken by Numbers 20:1-11s twice smitten Rock (Rev 5:5-12s Branch) and like Samson dies in the process, resurrects and then becomes Matthew 25:1-11s Paymaster who points out the Virgins for entering the Bridechamber that protects them from the Dan 3s furnace and The Red Sea of Blood spilled in 'The Battle of That Great Day of God Almighty that make the earth a barren Desert the Virgins crosses while replenishing earth with Rev 20:5 "the rest of the dead" before they crosses Spiritual Cannon in Jesus' footsteps into Spiritual Cannon while leaving the Branch on earth.

  6. Apostle👪Cathedral⛪Roc🪨earli M🌞rnin🌅scene A bless🙌🏽Trustworthy✝️💒Tuesda🏜️🙏🏽every👨‍👩‍👧‍👦1❤️🌎 Feb14th🥶❄️official 56Day🌄 of 🇯🇲 I 👩‍❤️‍👨🇺🇸🇬🇧🇨🇦 It is g👀d to be giving – in📖indeed🕳️💗🐦We👪should be dedicated to living out the instructions God gives us👪. We 👪 have submitted our lives to Him, which means that we 👪 are focused on what His plans for our lives are. Those are the only plans that are worth living out. They👪are the only plans that bring life🧬 Dear God,, I have dedicated my life to living out your will for me. Father, I🤵🏽 pray that I will always be able to be attentive to your 🌞 instructions and walk🚶 in obedience! In Jesus'🌞 name📛, I🤵🏽pray🛐 Amen🙏🏽

  7. Lmao Guys don’t pay attention to this ! This is the devils workers to confuse you guys! Read your Bible and pray! 😭😭😭 they trying to make Jesus seem evil.. “ he killed another kid when the kid bumped him” LIKE WHAT😭😭 but it out .. The devil could’ve came up with another lie than that

  8. he was not executed by the romans , he was executed by the Jews at the hands of the romans, and today so called Christians funding Jews to kill actual Jesus believers and shifting away from his teachings.

  9. Way from before Genesis Straight to Revelation is evidence and The Lord Jesus is The Way The Truth and Life no man cometh unto The Father but by me The Lord Jesus Christ came in the form of man to save mankind etc We ought to know Him Satan disobeyed God in the heavens because he wanted to be higher than God and God did cast him out of heaven All this Fables and Theologies etc is not of God is of man Thanks for giving us a History of Jesus Love the Lord Jesus Christ very much Matthew 6:33 Revelation 1 etc

  10. A few questions for all you people that believe in Jesus. What convinces you that Jesus is God and not Allah? Did you do as much research to Allah that you have Jesus? If Jesus is suppose to spread peace why didn’t he abolish slavery like it was in the Old Testament and even the New Testament (Ephesians 6:6)? How can you believe a book full of contradictions when it’s claiming to be inspired from god?

  11. I like that Historians are trying to prove Jesus to be real and it is true there is soo much info that is being kept from us I always felt that I mean Evangelist wrote it lol and Paul was sexist when Jesus wasn't but I still see the truth in it

  12. All religions are the same all that matters is if it makes you happy that’s all I personally don believe in anything or anyone but I respect if you do like I said if it works for you good

  13. The book of magical enchantments said SuperGodSr ripped out one of Adam's ribs, then shouted 'ABRACADABRA!' and the rib turned into a human. Adam then married his own rib. Marriage was defined as a man and his talking rib. The Bible said they could even make their own riblets with the help of Jesus.

    Then Adam’s rib couldn't stop talking so Adam went to his man-cave for some peace and quiet, thus creating the first caveman. That’s why the book of magical enchantments said Adam’s ribs must be quiet in Church because men are naturally smarter than ribs!

    The book of magical enchantments said Adam and his descendants even enjoyed barbecuing ribs for SuperGodSr. That’s why men still love barbecuing in their backyard at their altar for their very own blood sacrifices. When men are barbecuing they click the tongs twice to scare away the Boogeyman.

    The Bible said Aaron and Moses had a wooden stick turn into a living snake. After it was over, they put the magic wood in the Ark of the Covenant and saved it for later.

    Geppetto was able to carve Pinocchio with the magic wood. Biblical archeologists are able to show that Geppetto and Pinocchio survived in the belly of a great fish thereby confirming, according to Biblical scholars, the Bible is true.

    The Bible said SuperGodSr’s ghostly rocket ship sped through star-studded space and penetrated Mary who just entered childhood puberty. In his rocket ship’s cargo hold was carried His precious seed: SuperGodSr’s sole survivor, JESUS H. CHRIST!

    A passing Joseph found the uninjured child and took SuperGodJr home. As the years went by and the child grew to maturity, He found himself possessed of amazing physical and mental powers. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

    The infant of SuperGodSr is now the Man of Steel: SuperGodJr! To best be in a position to use His amazing powers in a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice and 'The American Way', SuperGodJr has assumed the disguise of Jesus H. Christ, mild-mannered Sky Reporter for the Great American Busybody Association.

    At these meetings people love to give away their money to hear these Bronze Age tribal stories in the 21st Century. If a person believes all of these tribal ghost stories that person can respawn into eternal bliss, for a weekly donation of course.

    It's a PROVEN FACT that the night before His cruci-fiction, Jesus was in the garden praying, "Dad, DAD! Do You hear ME? Wake-up! It's ME – YOU, Jesus! What are YOU doing? I need to catch up on the latest gossip. Are YOU still helping people find their oxcart keys?"

    The Bible is TRUE because the Bible SAID it’s TRUE and the Bible SAID it can’t LIE, so that makes the Bible a PROVEN FACT!

  14. The devil will go through anyone he can to make you lose faith. I had to turn this video off when I saw how disrespectful this is of our Lord Savior. Ty you God for giving me the strength and love to know evil is at work here.

  15. If you believe in the old testimony then that would ment that God is a lier.because it's ritten in your socal holy book that he said. Read very carefully. If any words goes out of my is taken back. Heaven and earth will pass away. There is no new testimony. Believe God's proclaim. Because of your lies and heprocy he will not answer you. Prepare yourself for your grieving hipocrits you know who you are.

  16. The comman man has spirit nch man cannot default in his daily affairs a faith is present of things unknown and unseen nonpretensious in his life and dream to be a good simple man untouched by politics mayor's and one's lives nondependent on the wealthy that cannot manipulate their simple life's by promise of better by taxing the netted greed of the desires of the world. Not all being corrupt the position is opening the door to bribery and downfall of his good character.

  17. I love Jesus, I pray daily, several times. Yet I have my sins. I thank God for his Love, mercy, and forgiveness of my sins, even when I can’t love and forgive myself, through the sacrifice of his son for my sins. I repent of my sins, and keep trying to walk in Jesus’ ways. I fall down but I keep getting back up and trying…..🙏🏻

  18. The jews killed Jesus and they been blaming the Romans for it knowing that the Romans can not confirm nor deny their false allegations. They did it. But don't want to take blame. Stop playing victim to your wrong doings. The Jewish community all over America and the world are not starving nor hungry. They are very wealthy. Did you ever see a homeless Jewish person? Nope


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