Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #26

The gang is back! The wheel must be spun three times to select videos for these men to watch! This is the 26th time we’ve spun …


44 thoughts on “Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #26”

  1. The second video and it's associated product (CPR babies) are actually quite noble. Not sure how many people NEED a ten pack of infant CPR dummies, but if they did, that looks like a fine product and the video was noble.

  2. "The mens will make jokes and live, laugh, love, eat and pray love as Rich Evans once again defies death another day" Is probably the best sentence ever written in the history of, of everything.

  3. A decade ago I used to work as a bouncer for a popular club in Austin, TX. One one occasion I patted down a suspicious looking guy before letting him enter and he had a stack of business cards, playing cards and more than a handful of pens. At the moment, it didn't really strike me as odd, maybe he'd just gotten off work and happened to like playing cards. To think that he possibly could've been trying to pull women with magic tricks that night fills me with an unspeakable amount of second hand embarrassment for him. I hope he's doing well.

  4. I just watched the Actar 911 segment and I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time 😂😂😂 My mother used to be a CPR instructor and she HAD Actar babies and adults! I never realized how weird and creepy CPR / first aid instructional gear was to normal people until I was cleaning out my mom’s garage with friends and they would regularly be like “uhhhhh is that a severed leg and bag of baby heads????” Thanks so much for this absolute gem.

  5. Rich your child's suicide was five years ago you have to move on, buddy. Especially when you take it out on poor Colin, he has enough on his plate with his chronic wasting disease. To think he was once the top Caillou cosplayer in the world once.

  6. The editing is amazing, not only in the beginning with the "children's suicide video", but just the thought of picking the right music and putting those images together at 19:51. I replayed that part about 5 times that "blonk" sound at the end lol.


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