Best MALICIOUS COMPLIANCE Stories of 2023 – Reddit Stories

Reddit rSlash Storytime

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👪 EntitledParents:
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If you don’t want your story in this video please email me at [email protected] 🙂 I will happily remove it

Author’s names will be said before story, unless it’s been sent to us and they’ve asked to include their name.


22 thoughts on “Best MALICIOUS COMPLIANCE Stories of 2023 – Reddit Stories”

  1. I honestly do not mind hearing the it must be free joke if it comes from a customer I see frequently and it's not like they do it all the time it's just a once in awhile thing that they say which is how much better than the people who said almost every time they're in and something doesn't scan in right

  2. 1:56:00 The system sounds like it's designed to get you exactly what you need so you can do the best you can do. They aren't looking to penny pinching by buying you a cheaper substitute that's passing but not exactly what you should have. So sure, OP was making a profit selling the new book. But they were just trying to set him up for success.

  3. The outro you left from an older video at the end reminded me of how you used to start videos. "Hey everybody, hope you're all doing well. My name is Steven, and this is the Storytime Channel." Always loved to hear that. Plus, it's very nice to hear you again!

    Also, I don't know if this is something you're ever planning on bringing back, but I loved the Scarytime channel you had for a bit. Especially that long story you had to split into 6 parts. Hope you can bring that back someday!

  4. I'd show it how it was, thus showing up their shortcomings big time. I actually have done this with ulcerated ankles after being acused of malingering at work. I got an apology and my boss got a bollocking, ( first story).


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