Best Factions in Warhammer 40K? Which Armies are STRONGEST in Tournaments?

Let’s talk 40K Tournament Results and which armies are strongest right now…

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0:00 Intro
0:50 40K Tournament Results
4:18 Guard
5:31 Admech
6:16 Chaos Daemons
6:51 Genestealer Cults
7:44 Grey Knights
8:38 Drukhari
9:22 Chaos Knights
10:15 Orks
10:53 Thousand Sons
11:35 Aeldari
12:27 Custodes
13:20 Imperial Knights
14:00 Chaos Space Marines
15:08 Space Marines
18:08 Death Guard
19:02 T’au Empire
20:02 Harlequins
20:57 Necrons
23:50 Tyranids
26:00 Sisters
27:38 Final Rankings


41 thoughts on “Best Factions in Warhammer 40K? Which Armies are STRONGEST in Tournaments?”

  1. The Zephyrim buff is cute and nice. Great to give Sisters some extra speed on the map that aren't vehicles. That said, the two things that pushed them over the top were getting a Miracle dice EVERY turn and their uninteractive secondary. Them getting AoC was a big buff, but even that kept them mid-tier with their unit selection. Hopefully they don't take nerfs to models/units cause that will literally not change the actual problem with them.

    Adjust their secondaries and they will likely fall right back down into A teir. Good, but beatable. If they need more, remove that Miracle dice buff. I doubt they need much more than that.

  2. I'm just pissed about Custodes Terminators loosing Obsec after GW fucking sold the shadow throne box on the back of giving Terminators obec…… I bought 2 boxes and now have a bunch of terminators sitting on a shelf because they are now useless.
    Feels like such a scam.

  3. Grey knights falling so low makes a lot of sense, its a very CP thirsty army (3cp transhuman lel). not to mention a LOT of their power comes from warlord traits and relics. I reckon GW needs to take another look here or their gonna get left in the dust.

  4. I believe any faction that stays around a 50% win rate does not require any more changes besides buffing units that are never taken to add diversity to lists. Any faction below 40% needs immediate buffs and any above 60% need immediate nerfs. 50% win rates should be the target for game balance.

  5. Poor Genestealer Cults. The main problem is the high skill ceiling, they're not a beginner-friendly army and while they can punch way higher than their stats suggest, it takes a lot of skill to properly bring them out. Such a shame, they have some of the best designed models and rules in the game, but they're a skill intensive horde army, precisely what meta players hate.

  6. The win rate of necrons is kind bad, because the damage is garbage. For instance, I failed to kill 700 points of terminators with silent king, zeras, 5 imortals and like 10 warriors. I managed to kill a grand total of 350pts.

  7. How is that possible that everyone cries about necrons being weak? I play 40k with a couple of friends, one of them plays necrons and guess what? He wins 99% of games… by spamming warriors. He uses massive blobs to controll the map and wins by atrition. We just can't kill them all because he ressurects them. Also no matter if you have 2+ save termies with armour of contempt, you just can't save 40 shots from a rapid firing blob of 20 cheap as dirt warriors. I managed to win a few times with my tsons but mostly because my dice were on fire, rolling big smites left and right.

  8. I've got three armies my main has always been necrons (I feel like I'm the only person not playing the silent king), but I also use Harlequins and chaos knights, mostly because I like how they look.

  9. dispite the buffs to necrons we still have the worst version of reanimation protocalls to date, its just a bad version of feel no pain/disgustingly resiliant, sure we get to do the rolls more often but its only AFTER they finish shooting so if a unit gets wiped out boom thats it no rolls unlike resiliant rolls that happen for each wound BEFORE removing models.

    lets not forget if a modle has more than 1 wound, now dot get me wrong last edition being able to bring back a 3 wound model at full health with just 1 roll was very srong but now good luck getting even one back even if you rolled 12 dice, it really should be tied into living meatle or just when you roll your reanimation pool heal modles that are alive before alocating sucess to downed models, then alow you bringing back models with less than full health.

    then the monolith we got a brand new model for it FINALY and they still wont give it an invulrable save or quantum shielding, I am convinced the only reason it didnt get good buffs dispite being the necrons flagship and most iconic unit is because the didnt want people to buy none spacemarien models

  10. Hey thanks for the great video. I was looking for win percentage for TS at the end. But sadly can't see it. I hope it isn't so low that it can't be inn the video xD I would love to know what it is do.

    With Regards

  11. Ive just started getting into the hobby and the way some people talk… i was really concerned about faction balance, but honestly these numbers arent bad at all. I was seriously stressing about picking a trash faction but im much more confident now in just choosing what seems cool

  12. Honestly looking at the comments and seeing like nobody talk about imperial knights is kinda making me regret them as a first purchase. Tho maybe its good they arent talked about.


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