Best Beginner Marvel SNAP Deck! Blue Marvel Swarm – Deck Spotlight – Marvel SNAP

Let’s Play Marvel SNAP! Marvel SNAP is a new digital card game by the legend himself Ben Brode! Marvel SNAP is currently in closed beta for Android and will be available on iOS and PC later this year.

Here we spotlight a fantastic starter deck featuring Blue Marvel. This swarms style deck utilizes Wolfsbane, IronHeart, and Kazar to buff your 1 and 2 drops and finish with a board-wide 1-power buff from Blue Marvel!

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4 thoughts on “Best Beginner Marvel SNAP Deck! Blue Marvel Swarm – Deck Spotlight – Marvel SNAP”

  1. I prefer the first layout. Having everything on one screen makes it easier to follow especially with you excellent explanations. It is easier to read in the second layout but hard on the eyes to constantly go from left to right.


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