Being Held Captive in Nigeria and the Gaza War with Rudy Rochman

Rochman’s work primarily focuses on shifting the global, ideological, and political conversations regarding the Jewish People & Israel, uniting sectors of Israeli society, locating & bringing awareness to the disconnected Tribes of Israel worldwide, and generating innovative ways to combat antisemitism.


21 thoughts on “Being Held Captive in Nigeria and the Gaza War with Rudy Rochman”

  1. How can Hamas steal aid meant for 2 million people ? What is the logic here ? Is there any way possible for the IDF to selectively starve Hamas ? Wouldn't that also starve their own hostages ?

    " Even if 10 times as much aid is allowed in, Hamas will still steal aid and people would still not get it, Hamas will sell the aid."

    If Hamas sells the aid, how do people still not get it ? Also, demand and supply rules mean that the price cannot be kept high. Also, Hamas is not as strong as these guys think it is. They are hiding in tunnels, not everywhere in Gaza managing to take away whatever aid flows in.

    "Hamas will use that money to become stronger."

    Who will they buy arms from ? They are literally surrounded by the IDF.

    This is so shameful. When Noam hosted a debate b/w Finkelstein and Eli Lake, Noam said that it would be a shame for the Jewish people if they not let food in Gaza. Now, that they have tried to use starvation as a weapon of war (This is true. And if anyone with access to internet denies it, you are just deliberately blind and biased.), Noam is making excuses for it: that too for something that he himself said would be a shame for the Jewish people (not just Israelis) if it happened.

    And the arguments are so silly. Even a child won't believe this. How can anyone be so naive ?

    Darly Cooper didn't mean to say that Israel has always wanted to starve the Palestinians. What he meant was that he knew that Israel will go to extreme lengths to ethnically cleanse Gaza after the Oct 7 attacks.

    "Civilians are dying because Hamas is shooting at Israel, and they are shooting back, and the civilians are dying."

    We now have drone footages of unarmed civilians being killed in fields. They have managed to damage 70 percent of buildings in Gaza. Was a 30,000 strong Hamas force shooting from all of these buildings ? You need to be inside an asylum if you still believe this nonsense. Or maybe these are just lies.

  2. I enjoyed this conversation in part because I was skeptical of a large percentage of the content.
    I'm happy to see hopeful young israeli activists dreaming of a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians and Jews in developing countries. This man is doing admirable work and thinking on a scale that seems to defy facts on the ground and major powers at play. But hey, impossible problems require impossible solutions.

  3. Great conversation. I think he’s very interesting and has a very different perspective. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he said but definitely makes me interested in following his work.

  4. His comments about aid and civilllan casualties don't really stand up

    Even the argument against flooding Gaza with aid doesn't make sense, given it would eventually go to Gazan families.

  5. Yes!!! Yet another episode of the worst, least funny “comedy” podcast ever produced! I can’t wait for all the fun goofs and gags to be had while these insufferable genocidal nitwits circlejerk about how true and moral their favorite country is while they guzzle down obviously dishonest hasbara! These hosts really are that stupid, petulant, and unfunny! Noam, you truly are a world class putz and I hope you are aware that 95% of the 230 views this show will inevitably get is just people who watched the Norman Finkelstein episode (the only good episode) and get this show pushed on their feed. This show so thoroughly fails to perform its basic function (to entertain, make people laugh, etc) that I struggle to fathom one reason why this embarrassing charade even exists at all? Is it really just the result of a man who’s as unfunny as he is rich hemorrhaging money to serve his ego?

  6. What annoys me about every conversation Noam has had since pretty much Norman F was on the podcast, is that there are no facts discussed, just rhetoric and narratives. There are no hard facts, no discussions of operations, no cited reports, no research, no quotes. Just "Arabs hate Jews", "Hamas steals stuff", "October 7 bad", "Germany love Israel", "Siege not good, but…", "Palestinian civilian human shield". All this surface level talk sucks and betrays some of the more interesting conversations that were being had on this podcast at the end of '23.

  7. Rudy spreads constant propaganda. I believe his heart means well but everything is filtered through racial bias. The Islamophobia from norm is telling also.
    1:02:06 it’s also factual events that tells the Palestinians that. The land theft and raeping of villages that occurred that izral doesn’t want to teach their citizens or acknowledge.

    1:09:08 hmas stealing all the food is laughable. Firstly, hmas should feed the hostages. Secondly, there are hundreds of trucks backed up at the border – they wouldn’t all be stolen! And how do we explain the flour massacre? Just lies. Levy was found to be lying about providing aid also – stop denying the basic facts. No electricity, no water, no food. To drive this point home – why was there ever a “gazan diet”?
    1:10:54 it is absolutely the Izrali government – every Likud member has made a gnocidal statement- particularly the convicted terrorist ben gvir.

  8. Wait, isn’t this the same guy that said Israel wouldn’t starve Gazans? No surprise that he still supports the genocide. Israel could nuke Gaza and he would still come up with an excuse. (I am talking about Norm btw)

  9. And today on "the Ge*oc*de Apologists in the cellar show", more hasbarists and IOF soldiers.

    Keep it up Noam, I suggest bringing in the ghost of Ariel Sharon/Itshak Shamir or maybe living Ghoul Nentenyahu as guests.

  10. This seems super balanced, authentic and not at all propaganda. I’d be very curious exactly what organisation this guy actually works for, I’m not buying his cover stories


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