Behind Prison Walls: Unearthing Secret Cells and Shadow Figures at Eastern State Penitentiary

Be sure to check out Portals to Hell, Seasons 1-3, airing on TRVL Channel and Discovery+.

Chapter Codes:
00:00- Show Intro
01:30- Katrina grew up in a haunted house
04:20- Should Jack and Katrina investigate Katrina’s childhood home?
07:58- Will Katrina ever reveal what happened during Paranormal State?
09:25- What is the danger of paranormal oppression?
11:29- Who has more drama- Real Housewives or Paranormal Investigators?
11:55- Jack on Amy Bruni & Adam Berry, Chip Coffey, Jason Hawes and more
13:34- Katrina sets the world record for burpees
14:24- Eastern State Penitentiary, one of the most infamously haunted locations in all of America
15:57- Jack and Ozzy visit Eastern State Penitentiary on World Detour
17:54- Eastern State Penitentiary in 12 Monkeys film
20:00- Behind the scenes witness tampering
24:39- The truth about faked evidence in paranormal television
26:00- What didn’t make the cut- A doctor with a bucket of human parts?!
27:00- Unearthed cells at Eastern State Penitentiary
28:22- Psychic, Michelle Belanger, uncovered something producer’s didn’t even know
31:00- Jack recounts his first PSYCHIC vision
34:30- Something otherworldly communicates with Katrina
38:16- The most compelling ghost box session to date
39:30- Jack sees his first SHADOW FIGURE!
40:00- Jack is forced to enter Death Row alone
43:00- Jack and Katrina’s shared love for criminal justice
46:26- Jack’s Woogie Boogie Scale- 9 out of 10!
46:40- What do Katrina’s intense physical reactions mean?
47:38- Katrina shanked who?! Wait…
49:32- Show Outros and closing
50:24- What’s next?!

Welcome back to ‘Ghosts and Grit’. In an all new ‘Ghosts and Grit’ segment, co-hosts Jack Osbourne and Katrina Weidman bring you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at their hit series, “Portals to Hell.” In the thrilling third installment, Jack and Katrina explore the infamous Eastern State Penitentiary, one of America’s most haunted locations, holding a special connection for Katrina as her home state. Drawing from their own personal experiences, they discuss the toxic side of the paranormal world and share their positive encounters with renowned investigators such as Jason Hawes, Amy Bruni, and Adam Berry, as well as well-known psychics Cindy Kaza, Michelle Belanger, and Chip Coffey. Digging deeper, Jack presses Katrina for the truth behind her experience on “Paranormal State,” sparking a conversation about the dangers of paranormal oppression. With raw honesty, they reveal the challenges of balancing authenticity with the demands of filming a paranormal television show.

Be prepared to be astounded by their most compelling evidence to date, including an eerie encounter with their Geoport ghost box and Jack’s spine-chilling encounter with a shadow figure. But that’s not all; what about the untold stories that didn’t make the final cut? From Michelle’s startling psychic revelation that revealed information even the producers were unaware of, to Jack’s first-ever psychic vision during filming, and Katrina’s physical reaction on set – this heart-pounding episode is not for the faint of heart.
For those just tuning in, join Jack Osbourne, adventurer, producer, and host extraordinaire, as he shares his thoughts on a medley of topics spanning adventure, survival, paranormal experiences, and beyond. With compelling weekly episodes, Jack welcomes a host of intriguing guests for in-depth conversations, taking you along for a wild ride into his unique world. With each episode, he brings forth extraordinary individuals who have confronted their own demons, both literal and metaphorical, unearthing profound insights into their incredible resilience, grit and the unbreakable human spirit. This one-of-a-kind podcast promises an unparalleled experience, fueled by Jack’s boundless curiosity, fearless approach, exceptional guests, and uncensored discussions that will leave you captivated week after week.

You can find Jack at

And can find The Osbournes at


35 thoughts on “Behind Prison Walls: Unearthing Secret Cells and Shadow Figures at Eastern State Penitentiary”

  1. I really liked Portals to Hell and was so disappointed when they stopped having new seasons. I think you, Jack, and Katrina make such a good team. I still go back and look at various episodes just because I miss it. I hope someday the two of you will have a chance to do another show together. I will definitely go watch the Eastern State episode again- very interesting prison. Thank you for doing this podcast, it helps me get through the slim pickings for quality paranormal shows lately.

  2. Paranormal State, physic kids with Chip and ghost hunters were my first introduction into the paranormal and let me say "ok maybe there is more". I do miss you guys as a team on TV ❤

  3. I grew up in Philly …and never knew about Eastern,. Till I started watching Ghost shows Now when I go back home so see my mom. We ALWAYS go to Eastern. I LOVE IT and I think we have been 5 times now. and every time is something different. I Always feel heavy there and feel like we are being watched everywhere. We for some reason always go in the winter and I am not a big Orb believer I have caught some weird ones that really have no reason to be there when its 11 degrees outside.

  4. Such a good episode I love hearing Katrina's story I've been a fan since the paranormal state days and so glad she explained what happened to that show cause it was so good it should of went on longer!! But what happened to the Destination Fear crew first happened to them.


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