Beauty in Brokenness

So often we forget there is beauty even in brokenness. Just because we are hurting, or have been through hard times does not make us any less loveable or worthy. Watch this video to learn how to find the beauty in yourself!

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00:00 Beauty in brokenness
02:00 Healing is beautiful
05:30 The weight of shame

#beautywithin #mendedlight #jonathandecker


30 thoughts on “Beauty in Brokenness”

  1. 2:192:32 I adore this. It's so beautiful and true. Our past experiences make us the people we are today and there's so much we can learn, no matter how painful the experience. It gives us a greater appreciation for life and for moments where we're content. Thank you so much for this video Alicia and the Mended Light team!! I love the work you do, and I always come back to this channel to realign myself if I'm feeling as though I'm not living true to myself. I've learnt so much and am honestly in awe and full of gratitude that this is free!!

    Thank you guys for all that you do 💗

    Sending all my love from across the pond ❤️

  2. Good evening. I became acquainted to your channel because I am a follower of Mr Decker's "Cinema Therapy" channel also starring Mr Seawright. I have seen a bunch of "Mended Light" videos that have been helping me a lot for a few months now, as I have been journeying through harships of life. Your videos are very inspiring, and here is the reason why I am writing tonight. I am French and I teach English. And because I find a lot of comfort in your videos, I would like to help my fellow countrymen doing so, providing French subtitles to your contents. It is a job I have been doing with and for Mr John Daub's videos on his "Only in Japan" videos for a year. You could then appreciate getting in touch with a wider audience, at least in my country. Thank you for reading my message. Thank you so much for the help you have gotten me. And happy new year!

  3. Between severe childhood trauma and growing up catholic, I repressed being trans for 30 years, and lived with a deep sense of shame and self-loathing. I'm finally working through all of this and learning self-compassion, but looking in the mirror seeing the damage that will never heal and grieving for who I should have been is still a lot to deal with.

  4. Thank you so much for making this video, this is just what I needed to hear, I keep feeling shame because I'm a closeted gay person and I also didn't do well in my career and finances and my parents are really homophobic and they keep shaming me about my failed career, I can't even imagine how would they shame me if they knew I'm gay, but I'm a grown person, the problem now is not my parents showering me with shame it's ME doing it

  5. "Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful parts of ourselves"
    David Richo

    Before doing therapy I thought I needed to be fixed 😔 However what I ended up realizing was that I am not broken ❤

    Self compassion is so important. By doing so we're honouring wounded parts of ourselves. And attending to them with: love ❤

    I recommend trying out modalities such as: IFS or CFT. Or even start with journaling – it's free.

  6. My dynamic with my brother during our upbringing has been that he's the accomplished one and I'm the emotional one. When we fight he takes the stand of "being right" and, since I start to cry, I'm "attention-seeking".
    I related very much to the incongruent beliefs. I've worked very hard on setting a healthy course for myself when it comes to bounderies and conflict with others. I am now at a new cross road because my brother still sees us with the same eyes he always has and I don't. I want and value healthy relationships and he's incongruent in that realm. I'm not sure where I stand but I'm definitly standing so I guess that's a start. I'd appriciate your prayers. Hope you all have a blessed new year 🎆☃️

  7. Wonderful video. Thank you.

    I have found one way to show myself self-compassion is to allow myself a moment of frustration when I get stressed and begin to backslide into "toxic" habits. I try to limit it to a small window of five to ten minutes. Then I step back and deal with the problem.

    I don't tear myself down, I don't bring up past mistakes, I don't enter a downward spiral of self-hate and shame for days. Yes, there is negative self-talk, again backsliding, but not to the point of condemnation I would achieve in the past.

    So while there is still room for growth, improvement, and a greater level of self-compassion, I have come a long way from March of last year to today.

  8. Why is it always people talk about what other people did? Like what if I am the piece of shir? What if are my actions that I regret? That I feel guilty and ashamed for?
    What if I did something really bad to someone else?

  9. I have a quote from Trent Shelton on my working desk: "We are all a little broken. But last time I checked, broken crayons still color the same." I found it on Art of Education's homepage. When I saw it, I liked this sentence right away: I'm a hobby artist, interested in mental hygiene and psychology, and of course I had a breakdown earlier, so I felt myself broken. So, this video was remembered me this quote and everything. (Anyway, I'm not familiar with american football sport, so I didn't know who is Trent Shelton until I googled his name 10 minutes ago… 😀)

  10. It’s something I work towards everyday. Constant struggle. It’s the fight between the head and the heart. I KNOW I have worth and value…but every relationship in my life has shown otherwise
    It’s hard to keep believing when the facts of life always show how worthless I am

  11. Please, realize, that some people do fill the cracks with gold. They are on the path of becoming beautiful. Sometimes it's called healing, progression or repentance. Then someone will come along and take a blowtorch to your bowl, destroying your pottery. I keep trying.
    I was beat silly as a kid at home, then bullied and beat by teachers and students
    As an adult I've been in multi- vehicular accidents, a train wreck, family bullying, oppression resulting in depression.
    I have a child that uses her own children as pawns. Now I have unbearable physical pain. I am now a vessel of gold with very little pottery holding me together.
    I keep plodding along

  12. There's an issue with how people see chronic illness and pain. Either you're useless or "brave".

    This message needs to be spread more because it would prevent a lot of lost lives.

  13. As a big art nerd, I've thought bout kintsugi and its real life application.
    Along with being attractive, kintsugi also aliens with Buddhist ideology of accepting change. Change happens, and to deny or fight the change causes additional suffering. If your favorite cup broke, do you bitterly throw away the cup because it no longer holds liquid, or do you accept things break and repair it?
    Kintsugi also aliens to the Holy Bible's definition of Perfection. In both Greek and Hebrew, Perfection doesn't mean Flawlessness, it means Complete. The cup might have a crack, but if the repair is good, it can still hold liquid.

  14. Thank you SO MUCH for this. I ended up crying 🥲. Everything you said resonated so much in my head, i'm dealing with all of what you just said and it's so nice feeling i'm not alone and that some people understand. Love love LOVE your content💓

  15. This has been one of the most powerful videos for me on this channel. I've been trying to go back to who I was before the trauma took hold and it's been hard for me to consider that it's okay to focus on becoming something out of my experiences but I really like that idea because I think it'll help bring me into the present. I've felt stuck in the past for over a decade now and it's felt truly miserable living like this. Thank you for the insight. 🙂


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