Base 499: the HQ for Classified Remote Viewing & Time Travel Projects?

​@UAMNTV Is it really possible that secret remote viewing and even time travel programs exist? Many people enter into these programs when they are very young, sometimes through a family member if they are a high-ranking military or intelligence officer. According to one of the whistleblowers, approximately 200 miles below the ground in an officially unrecognized facility named Base 499 in Peasemore, in Berkshire, England, is the location, where many remote viewing projects are said to take place, with some agents claiming to have even embarked on time travel missions to other planets such as Mars.

This video features a promotional trailer from Gaia’s Original Series – Mystery Teachings with Jonny Enoch – look in the comment section for more from @GaiaVideo and their enormous library of non-mainstream media!

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39 thoughts on “Base 499: the HQ for Classified Remote Viewing & Time Travel Projects?”

  1. Follow this link to watch more than 200 episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, and also discover Gaia’s extensive video library of Original Shows, Films & Documentaries, and other GaiaSphere Premium Events, covering topics such as; extraterrestrial evidence & modern abduction stories, conspiracy theories, and explorations of the non-terrestrial agenda… You can also find personal growth topics and much much more!

  2. Im not sure what to think about all this Super Soldier information and the stories they have told concerning their experiences. While I have learned not to quickly dismiss things that sound too extraordinary, some of the stuff they have said sounds so outrageous. I feel like i need to see some substancial evidence to supoort some of their claims before i can truly accept it as facts.

  3. You serve quite a story about Randy Kramer. I heard him a few years ago, and soon after
    others appeared claming to have went through a supersoldier-program too.
    I cannot decide how far these stories are true or fiction, but after hearing about twenty of these i get the impression that they are implanted memories.
    Or shall i say implanted lies.

  4. Highly advance technology. There is also ability to stop time and walk around while everything else is frozen but no sound and light from sun turns white cotton fabric. The other highly advance technology is a higher consciousness focus intent to see and hear everything by being in two different places. Your body is miles away while your Consciousness is in another at the same time. That's why it's called Time Travel. Yogis and Qigong Masters can time travel. Ask them to teach you. Humans are multiple dimensional.

  5. The sooner that people understand that this is real and happening, the better off that they will be. Every single bit is true. This information has been intentionally withheld from humanity by the 1% that control EVERYTHING on this planet. People need to WAKE UP to what is happening and learn about what IS going on!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! This has been out there for quite a while.

  6. Remote viewing for example has been used by the Canadian police to detect missing bodys in snow, which was very sussesfull. They use trained psychic remote viewers using maps. MK Ultra have been used for a very long time. Since the 40's at least. Look up the origins of Vril energy. Also the work of Nikola Tesla, its all about Earths electro magnetic field and how that connects to the multiverse. It is only a matter of time before enough of the population of the World will be ready to accept what can no longer be hidden from humanity.

  7. Randy Cramer is a grifter. Nothing can live on Mars. 2% of our atmosphere, freezing, high radiation, toxic perchorate salt everywhere. I suspect many of the missing 411 people are taken by the secret space program, but this "Super Soldiers" never give any evidence or sign an Affidavit, as David Paulides said.

  8. We seem to be at a point in our timeline where Fiction is becoming Fact and vice versa. When I was a kid, I would constantly imagine my life was a movie that others in a different dimension were watching. Now at 56, it's sounding like I might have been right. 😅


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