Bartender Reacts | Warhammer 40k Space Marine Review by MandaloreGaming

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28 thoughts on “Bartender Reacts | Warhammer 40k Space Marine Review by MandaloreGaming”

  1. The adeptus astartes are their official name but they are also known as the space marines, this comes from the emperor himself when he said "they are my space marines and they shall know no fear"

  2. So Age of Sigmar is a controversial story reset for the fantasy franchise of Warhammer. It has no bearing on 40k because that’s a separate franchise. To make a long story short they essentially killed everyone, the bad guys won and blew up the world. Then some people were reborn in another universe in the fantasy timeline which is Age of Sigmar.

  3. I wish you would not play Darktide at all, the developers released it in a terrible state and while all advertisement is good for any hobby developers like them should not be supported. 🙁

  4. I think your confusion about "Space Marines" being their real name and not a joke per se is due to the fact that in the WH40K universe there are two forms of speech/language in the Imperium. There is "Low Gothic" and "High Gothic". One for the lower classes of humanity and one for the upper classes. The lore tends to bounce between the two most of the time for ease and sometimes sticks to one to give context for a given situation or important story moment. All that being said that is why you hear "Space Marines" and "Astartes" used interchangeably, Imperial Guard a.k.a Astra Militarum and so on throughout the WH40K setting for all sorts of things.

  5. Eternal Crusade wasn't good. It's pretty much a junkier version of Space Marine's multiplayer designed for more people he just didn't want to make ppl sad talking about it lol. It is kind of a bummer they never made the trilogy for this. They wanted to do a thing where Tidus gets drawn into fighting Chaos where they explain his resistance and the player gets to decide if he falls or not. It looks like we'll never get that as the new Space Marine 2 seems to be skipping all that. Hell most fans of the first one would have probably bought it just to punch Leandros in his smug prick face…..

  6. In-setting, people in the Imperium speak "Gothic," because GW's writers have no sense of subtlety. However, there are two predominant types of Gothic, "High Gothic" and "Low Gothic." High Gothic is technically all the silly fake Latin you see like "Astra Militarum" or "Adeptus Astartes," and "Low Gothic" is everything else, which could include any number of local planetary dialects. The idea is that in High Gothic you would call the Imperial Guard the Astra Militarum or the Space Marines the Adeptus Astartes, but in Low Gothic you'd just use whatever's comfortable and descriptive, such as plain English.

    So not only are the terms "Adeptus Astartes" and "Space Marines" both lore-accurate to use, there's even a lore explanation as to why a character might use one over the other. A similar distinction can be made for terms like "Aeldari" to describe the Eldar, with Aeldari being what they call themselves and Eldar being the human word for them, when here in the real world the reason for the two terms is because GW can't trademark Eldar, but when they ripped off Tolkien for the word a couple decades back they weren't thinking about that, and now that they want to trademark all their terms they need new, non-derivative words like "Aeldari."

  7. As someone who played an awful lot of Eternal Crusade and liked it quite a bit:

    Eternal Crusade was misleading people from the very beginning because of ambitious project leads who didn't realize the capabilities of the studio they were working with. They made promises no reasonable person could ever have expected them to fulfill, but alas many were caught in the hype of a massive-scale shooter with multiple factions in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and ignored the obvious warning signs.

    What we got was a decent lobby shooter with a lot of problems that was rushed out the door by its publisher because the dev team was small and struggling to get a game out at all, nevermind on a deadline. Seriously, bless the folks who worked on it because they clearly cared, and Nathan Richardsson who took over the role of Executive Producer is probably the only reason we got a half-decent lobby shooter rather than a pile of broken promises and no game at all. As such, between the broken promises and a technically challenged launch, the game was destined to fail. Combined with microtransactions that, while nowhere near as bad as many other games on the market, were still not fairly priced, and the fact that the 40K community is a toxic cesspit even under normal circumstances, and the game very quickly became a sore spot for the community before officially shutting down about a year back.

    There are fan efforts to get it back up and running, including one very promising one by some Russian modders with a good track record of this kind of thing, but I know I'm in the minority of people who are excited about that, because I loved Eternal Crusade for the few things it did right, and was willing to ignore the many things it did wrong.


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